[GI] Early Adapter Bonus Calendar Not Working!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by goddrick773, Sep 13, 2020.

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  1. I have been logging in every day and the new bonus calendar has not updated. I have tried logging in and out , even uninstalling and installing darkorbit. Anyone know what I can do?
  2. Clear your cache, Also you need to be using DO's client.
  3. i believe the 'new client' bonus calendar time was extended because of log-in issues (or something of the sort)
  4. More likely because of its update.
  5. If you have already collected all the items on a daily basis; even though the calendar time was extended, you no longer get more of anything. The extension was to compensate those that had issues in the beginning with the Beta download.
    However, if you had not completed the collecting (and I believe at this time the calendar is still valid) then, yes, the calendar should be updating. You will need to submit a ticket to the SUPPORT staff and have them investigate.
    Let SUPPORT know where in the calendar your update stopped.

    As a just in case item; Is your mouse and either the cable or infra-red connection stable? Only asking in case the 'CLAIM' button has an issue and possibly other aspects of game action.
  6. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.

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