[GI] Loggin reloading

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Staw74, Nov 17, 2019.

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  1. Staw74

    Staw74 User

    Hello , i am having trouble getting into my account. When i type in my name and password it just reloads the page and nothing happends. Does someone have same problem? Im on GE4.
  2. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Does the URL/web page address change to something like this, after it just "reloads" when attempt to login?:

    x.darkorbit.bigpoint.com/indexInternal.es?action=externalHome&loginError=98 (or some other number)

    If it does, you could try using a different browser - though can also mean the account could be banned, if keep seeing it when try to login*. That's one thing that could be causing the page to just "reload", though either way should try to see if it does same thing on a different browser.

    *Can also see "loginError"s when for example: if try to login into same account with two different browsers(at same time), and when your login session expires/try to access a page when not logged in. Basically "banned/suspended" isn't only thing that can cause to see "loginError"s.

    (Guess could of also just been a weekend issue causing it, can't really tell with how some people use "login error" to also describe not being able to connect to the game client/maps lol)
    Staw74 likes this.
  3. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    thanks for helping the OP

    Closing as Op has no further questions

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