[GI] missing prom laser

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ╫┼►ʍᴙ▪☆Ŧ80☆™◄┼╫, Sep 3, 2020.

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  1. i crafted one prom laser yesterday, then i tried to equip but i dont see the laser, when i check my inventory the laser was there but when i get back to my ship i dont see the laser.. i tried to relog many times and waited until today the laser is in the inventory but when i want to equip i dont see it.. pls help ty!
  2. Bibulus

    Bibulus User

    Had the same problem it will be on another ship
  3. First, and most obviously you should check if you collected the laser, after starting the crafting process.

    Ckeck if u have "Auto-equip new items" activated.

    If so, your Prom Laser will most likely be equpped on the ship which was active at the moment u collected your Proetheus laser.

  4. thanks alot for the info...it works thanks bro!
  5. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.

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