[GI] Mission control not appearing on some devices

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by EGGLOAF, May 7, 2020.

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    EGGLOAF User

    So I asked around, and it seems like I'm the only one who's having this problem.

    First off, I play one account on two separate devices. One is a Windows 10, and the other is a Chromebook. Everything works fine on the Windows, but for some reason on the chromebook the mission control building doesn't show up. I can still access my missions because the button is still there, but for none of the companies, and none of the maps, do any mission control buildings show up. All the other buildings show up.
  2. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello @EGGLOAF

    Are you still experiencing issues or has it self-resolved?

    Regards Rogue
  3. At the moment certain content takes longer to load in and some don't, if you play in full screen, I resolved this temporarily by coming out of full screen and the loading of content resumes, once finished, I go back to full screen.

    Current known loading issues include:

    Rocket explosion sounds;
    Saboteur Slowdown "rocket";
    SAB-50 ammo effect;
    Ship designs and/or ship textures;
    Some NPC's (But name still appears and NPC is still selectable);
    And some more I can't think of right now...

    Seems problem revolves around .atf (Adobe Texture Format) file extensions of which the game comprises of for images within the game itself (excluding some .jpg and .png files).

    You may notice some NPC's or ships display as "Billboard" style sprites (if using 3D, not sure about 2D) where the image is flat, but still rotates and tilts with ship motion.

    With some changes in recent game updates/syncs, I think they have changed the order of which content is loaded from the bpsecure server or routing which may be causing this delay in loading times. Also I am not sure if this is effected by browser choice.

    Last edited: May 10, 2020

    EGGLOAF User

    I'm still having the issue, but only on some computers.
  5. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User


    Did you try to delete cookies or change browser ?? :)

    On does computer you try it on ? Just want to be sure if that is helping before we try something else

    Regards Rogue

    EGGLOAF User

    Tried it, still happening
  7. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello @EGGLOAF

    Please be so kind and contact our Customer Support in case you haven't done so already, as they will be able to assist you with account related issues. https://www.darkorbit.com/index.es?action=support

    I can't do more for you via Forum ... Sorry about that

    Closing as Guided to support

    Regards Rogue
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