[GI] Need More Support

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by NightWatcher, Jul 15, 2016.

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  1. This game needs to find more people to work in their support office, don't know if its just the way i see it, but my messages only get replied back from 2 people which is kara and aimee. I'm sorry, but how do you guys want this game to grow when your guys support system is a little bad right now. You guys say there's a lot of people sending in tickets. well why not step up the game and look for new support... Ive waited for 4-5 days on my ticket for a reply and i got a reply last night and now im being ignored again -_-
  2. They added a Gary who responds once and closes the ticket.
  3. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    There are others on the support team and who are answering as well. Those there are doing their best, but just as any of us, there are things that take them away. & Given the last couple months, there's a lot of additional things too I'm sure, like trying to make sure information all gets to where it needs to with the issues and bugs :(

    The waiting is not ideal for anyone, and it's not something they are trying to have happen. However for everyone who does reply back, there are just as many, and more, who are writing in anew who haven't been answered at all yet. Additionally some supporters might be better to handle certain issues than others just as we are - some people are more techie, and all that fun stuff. I know they have worked to bring some new people in, but people move on too.

    To answer the question in a brief, it's a work in progress - both getting back to everyone, and bring in (and bringing up) new supporters.

    I know we keep saying this, and 4-5 days is an awful wait at times, but please be patient. They are trying to get back to you and everyone as soon as they can.

    -Closing to prevent flaming of support (sorry)-
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