[GI] New BETA download client/browser

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ]Coldheart[, Aug 7, 2020.

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  1. I have been updating my original post at the start of this thread.
  2. I tried playing on the client server last night and it was horrible.
    Ship would get stuck at jump portal. Had to reload. Ship got stuck trying to jump via advanced CPU. Lag was off the scales. I flew all the way across to the opposite side of 4-5 and my PET never moved from the portal and I was taking damage from NPC's I couldn't even see.
    I switched to my browser and everything worked fine (slight lag due to HITAC event and some lost connections) but otherwise no major problems.
    I will not use client until some major changes/improvements are made and I would NOT recommend it.
  3. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    The client is only for 64 bit for now

    It can't support on 32 bit or Mac version

    Remember its still a beta version until unity is ready

    Thank you for your patience :)

    Regards Rogue

    Closing as answered the concerns
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