[GI] New features for beta client

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by STARLIGHTHUSTLE, Sep 10, 2020.

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  1. It is written that "F5" will now clear cache in beta client. My question is ;Will that prevent "F5" from being used in action bar in client server? In my browser version I have disabled all my hot keys in order to use "F" keys . "F3" was never available , so I had to replace it with a letter.

    Question #2- Will the PET be able to pick up Flower booty boxes?
    I ask this because I have those features turned off in settings so , I don't show boxes or resources.(increases FPS).
  2. answer Q1 : hate tis , tried using emp on f5 and get a reload each time
    answer on Q2 : yes , pet will pck them up
  3. the new 32bit download worked however its horrible. the npc ships and booty boxes are jumping around like jumping beans. while flying across the map my ship along with the npc and my pet do a hopscotch type of activity where they are just jumping forward and backward as i fly. the system basically does let you fly and log in and open items such as assembly and others yet im not even going to try and jump port or shoot anything. i hope this is addressed soon. thank you
  4. So now, F5 is not usable on client. I have my insta-shields there .
    That's another reason not to use client.
    Flower boxes are not available at the time I play; that's another reason not to use client.
    Not true full screen. Another reason not to use client.
    I'm sure if I were to play on client I would find some more reasons why not to use it. What a shame. I kind of liked the idea at first.
  5. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.

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