[GI] No working Galaxy Gate Special!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by record70, Sep 20, 2020.

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  1. record70

    record70 User

    Hi i have only shows me GG Double .
  2. Hello!

    Yesterday, there were 4 events related to GGs:
    • Obsidian Booty Box Re-Run;
      • Every Galaxy Gate gives Schism Crystals once completed!
    • GG Special Rewards Weekend Version 3.
      • Certain Galaxy Gates drop new rewards!
    • Enhanced LF-4 Day
      • Certain Galaxy Gates can drop one of the Enhanced LF-4s!
    • GG Double Rewards Day
      • Most Rewards from GGs are doubled!
    Obsidian Booty Box Re-Run, GG Special Rewards and Enhanced LF-4 don't appear on the Galaxy Gates tab. GG Double Rewards appears there, unlike the other three events. However, all of them appear as Announcements/News in "Home". Ingame, they can be found in the Command Center tab, in the "Events" tab.

    TL;DR: If you want to see the current events, go ingame and check out the Command Center and see "Events"! It really helps out on seeing what Galaxy Gate events there are.

    I hope this was helpful, record70.
  3. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.

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