[GI] People that buy accounts

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LEON..., Jun 26, 2015.

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  1. LEON...

    LEON... User

    If I suspect a player has purchased an account that wasn't theirs beforehand, what evidence does support need to investigate the player that is in suspicion of buying an account.?
    I have been a paying player since day 1 and I find it unfair how I can spend £70 on mhh for a few gates when certain players buy accounts for abt the same price and are already semi/full ufe. Who is the fool here.?.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The only time I have seen something happen is if the suspected player admits in the game chat to buying or using another persons account.
  3. LEON...

    LEON... User

    Thanks for the reply Okapi, i have wasted a lot of money on this game building my account up and there is a player on my server that is blatently on different accounts, which were not his previously.
    So basically if someone buys an account for less than £100 and doesn't say anything in chat about it, then they have bypassed the system and in possession of an advanced account instantly?.
    Why would a honest player spend hundreds or even thousands of pounds on this game and all the time needed to get to ufe when a dishonest player can simply buy an account and get away with it?
    its all wrong. honesty gets people nowhere these days.
    Do support look at the accounts history, as to who was paying the bill for uri etc..?
    i.p changes arent enough to warrant a ban due to people working away and using different computers etc.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2015
  4. Had the same problem Leon, unless they admit it in chat, nothing can be done :(, they even accused me of not working for mine.
  5. LEON...

    LEON... User

    is there anything support can do to see that the account is played by someone else.?
  6. Legally no, as family members tend to pay for game items for each other you may have different people in the same household buy items for each acc for birthday, Christmas and so on.
  7. LEON...

    LEON... User

    if people are buying accounts and getting away with it, then there is no point in us paying players paying for the game.
  8. Well the downfall to someone buying a ship, is if it has been caught playing un-fairly at any point since the acc was made it is not allowed to win items uri or real world prizes from events of any kind...Most people illegally selling accounts are doing so because they cant win event items...It is realistically the biggest gamble any player could make.
    jackknife likes this.
  9. some people quit and sell account, i personally see nothing wrong in that.
    not saying i would buy one, but it is not so big of a deal. if you don't like it it's you're problem.
    as BMλŋ916-ƒliesUSƒlaǧ said most of those accounts had 1st stage ban, and now they can't win anything.
  10. LEON...

    LEON... User

    its not my problem. bigpoint/dark orbit will have problems due to people buying accounts already made for cheap. they need to crack down on players and investigate the history to suspected accounts, otherwise people will be reluctant to spend on the game itself
  11. a friend of mine got acc without bio and upgrades for 80 euros after his acc was banned for bad nickname.
    maybe he should have start new acc, but we all know how hard is to start from 0 especially after having ufe acc already.
    i cant blame him for buying acc with full lf4.
    btw i dont think BP have problems with acc trading, they make more money from those who buy accounts then they have from previous owners.
  12. DubStep

    DubStep User

    Yo whats your problem with other people buying accounts?
    The acc will be there regardless of who is the owner...

    Example: I have an UFE acc I want to sell it. I killed you with this acc.
    I sold it.
    He will keep on killing you just like I did.
    Example 2: I have an UFE acc I want to sell it. I can't sell it, no one buys it.
    Result: I still kill you, period.

    Did you see any difference?
    Did it affect you on something?
    Did you even noticed when you got killed that the owner was not the same?
    You are just crying because you don't have an UFE acc.
    I know is prohibited to sell and buy accounts, but really the only way this could affect someone(or something like, ONLY BP) will be that people do profits out of selling accounts. WHICH DOES NOT DO ANYTHING TO YOU BECAUSE IF THE ACC IS SOLD THE ACC WILL STILL BE THERE, IT WILL STILL SHOOT AT YOU AND DO EVERYTHING THE PAST OWNER WOULD DO.

    Man really you all people are kind of DUMB idk why? You all complain about stupid stuff like:

    "OMG! im getting killed so many times..." well.... what the H did you expected? people throwing flowers at you?

    "OMG! is so unfair there's too many wallet warrios"... for God's sake get a freaking JOB! start working and use it in the game! You can still play the game and get everything a wallet warrior can!(except for premium but it isnt a big deal!). There's no special weapons, there's no stronger hidden lasers that can only be bought with money, SO WHY THE H DO YOU COMPLAIN!!!!!

    I don't remember what other STUPIDITIES you guys come out with... but damn man yall guys complain about everything.

  13. chixonator

    chixonator User

    well... thats about the only good thing you said.

    buying and selling / sharing accounts basically is cheating. its against the rules, its not their ship, the people dont put in the work theres nothing legit about it.

    I doubt thats the reason anyones complaining about this.. Its not about getting killed. its the fact that its cheating...
    i have a ufe ship. i can kill all the people that botted, cheated, shared, or bought accounts.... most of them 1 figs anyways. doesnt change the fact that its cheating and they should all be dealt with.

    Its a fact that 80% of players were botters or cheaters. and about 79.85 % of them got banned. (and then everyone complained about dead servers o_O watd u think was gonna happen...) and for the players that are left probly 30% of the ships you see are bought, hacked, shared accounts and honestly i think something needs to be done about it.... somehow...
  14. DubStep

    DubStep User

    How's buying an account cheating?
    Where do you see the inappropriate alteration or use of programs or script to alter the game for someone's advantage?
    If someone buys an acc do you see the difference?(Maybe if he is better or worst you will see Mr. 1 FIGS ANYWAYS).

    Really, I am UFE too I have had 2 acc UFE already, I have played since 2009 and if someone bought an acc I NEVER EVER KNEW, the accounts was still there, the accounts was still being played, did it affect me? NO. Did the person that bought the account hit harder? ran faster? resisted more? had more drones? had any advantage over me?

    but did they ever give a reason? Did BP say why is that considered cheating?
    Clearly is not because it creates a players advantage, its because it is a disadvantage for them.
    Because they won't have another player buying with thousands of dollars uridium that they sell and makes them rich, THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

    Why do you want to be so legit about something with this company?
    When clearly they dont give a dime about us.
    They give special stuff to other countries except the rest of the world. Is that legit for you? You feel loved by this company or something?
  15. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi all,

    I'm going to end the debate here. Account trading/sharing/selling/gifting is against the Terms and Conditions and should support receive sufficient evidence that such activities have occurred, then the account involved will be subject to a suspension or even a permanent removal from game play.

    9.3.4 The User is not entitled to sell their account to a third party or in another way, shape or manner to transfer it. This is not applicable for the sale or transmission of offers which have been created and reserved by Bigpoint for this purpose.

    The evidence that support require must come through a feature on the game (i.e chat or mail system), unfortunately support do not accept what is considered as third party evidence (i.e. Facebook chat), nor is there a strong legal foundation to take action based on IP addresses alone.

    However for greater clarification on the evidence they accept, you will be better off contacting support themselves.

    The topic itself is not up for debate and for that reason i shall close the thread to avoid further confrontations.

    chixonator likes this.
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