[GI] Player has been pushing me

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by funnyfishman, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. USA West
    user id # 5216040

    I am a defensless ship and this player [​IMG]»»wall•e«« keeps killing me and my pet over 10 times now. This by definition is pushing. I posted in chat and i got... System: You were kicked out by Administrator! Please do not accuse other players or clans in chat. Thank you.

    08.12.2013 - 15:32[​IMG]xxx from the EIC shot you down.
    08.12.2013 - 15:31[​IMG]xxx from the EIC shot you down.
    08.12.2013 - 15:27[​IMG]xxx from the EIC shot you down.
    08.12.2013 - 15:19[​IMG]xxx from the EIC shot you down.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 9, 2013
  2. Hello,

    Let me refresh you first on a couple of our forum rules. Please do not post other players' usernames as this is no longer a private area. Also this is the area for chat queries. For general queries such as this please use the appropriate section.

    Finally, as this is a PvP game, the player has not broken any rules by destroying your ship 4 times. The pushing penalties will start to give the player diminishing rewards the more times they shoot you down. Pushing is the act of deliberately allowing, or arranging, player to destroy you for game advantage.

    I understand the frustration of trying to play the game against much stronger players and there are ways of reducing such incidents by using tactics such as sticking closer to portals, staying away from main routes and playing in groups.

    I hope you find this useful.


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