[GI] Question on UFE Hitting power and HP

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DJXL.SA.TX, Dec 15, 2015.

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  1. Mini

    Mini User

    get rid of the auto rsb changers , ppl programm their mouse or keyboard , thats not fair , or darkorbit should give everybody an option for auto rsb changer ..

    think about it darkorbit , more rsb is more income for you .... ( and fair to all players )
    Blue~Lazer likes this.
  2. Or just teach yourself how to combo properly?
    .Wagon. likes this.

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    only way for a maxed out UFE ship to hit harder is for it to have extra slots on drones or ship which would require
    admin's panel and of course there is no way for us to have access to that lol

    As for invincibility HP on a ship that must be set from with-in the game as well so it must be the admins we are actually fighting.

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    this happens on regular maps not so much in JPs since those are monitored

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    Most these programs are caught by big point staff like Razer mouse with macro program in it, Mouse Recorder for boxing, most box programs... and these type of programs can be identified
    any program that uses a third party site to log in account using these types are identified by DO scan software.... The harder ones to catch are the one's that don't use these, proxy scripts for RSB enhancers and mixing wares, HP, Shields and Damage. may take the DO team longer to find these type of illegal users since it is more of a script and not logged on to a third party but if DO can Identify the macro script it is just a matter of time before they catch up to them
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  6. i have done a damage test on a friend using dimi abillity with the following ammo
    x4, RSB, 3030 rockets and hellsorms plus my pet and drill double boostered and infected and i did a combo shot of 434k with lvl 1 iris
    i dont know if was due to a lag hit or whether thats a high rolling combo but were both shocked