[GI] Recommend a Drone Formation?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Spaceman_Spiff, Jun 17, 2018.

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  1. I've saved up 150k uri for any drone design, and right now I'm trying to decide which drone design to get. For reference, I already have Moth and Diamond.

    I'd like to hear what your thoughts are, especially with the latest balance patch having launched less than a week ago.
  2. Gudinden

    Gudinden User

    I would buy Drill or Ring formation :) In that order :rolleyes: But now it's your choice :D Also depends on how you play the game?!? :p
  3. IF you are Premium and do not have REBATE wait till the 25th after you get the 25% discount though. But depending on whether you PvP or PvE Ring for PvP Drill for PvE.
  4. Emeraude-s

    Emeraude-s User

    don't buy ring, it became useless specially for small players, buy heart and drill there are the two basic formations for pvp and pvm
  5. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    A lot of players ask this question. Ultimately it comes down to you style of game play. From what I gather you do not PVP a lot, at the moment. Therefore, I would not get drone formations geared to help PVP. As stated Heart Formation is a good formation and I use it mostly during PVE.

    Other Players, feel free to chime in.


  6. Definitely get Drill, 20% more DMG against any NPC is always neat bonus. Also, Ring isn't useless formation at all, especially if you're doing wave in GG where you use kamikaze (eg. kristallins is ABG), you have to tank some DMG. It is not priority formation to get, but nice to have regardless.
    Heart is also nice formation for just flying around maps, but it won't help you much in PvE, as in PvE it's mostly DMG that's relevant, to help you farm faster and get more uri.

    Basically all you need for PvE (farming+gates) is Drill and Moth, then Ring, Diamond, Heart, and Crab are just always-nice-to-have formations.
  7. Gudinden

    Gudinden User

    Galaxy Gate +Moth + x3 (x4?) = <3 <3 <3 :D Had completely forgotten Moth :rolleyes:
  8. All of these suggestions are great and true, but if you're a bit of an ego player like me and cannot stand getting killed over and over, I would recommend the star formation, it's ones of the cheapest formations you can get for 75k U. I beleive.

    UFEs will kill you no matter how many shields you have, and with the Star formation that 10% evasion bonus goes a long way when you need to dodge those 120k RSB shots and ice-rockets. It also won't slow you down like the Ring formation does :rolleyes:

    But if you like to kill NPCs, do gates, do PvP or whatever, the other advice listed applies better.
  9. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Does the OP have any other questions on this topic?
    May we close?


  10. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    ur best bet is Heart formation it works for both NPC'S and PVP and u don't lose that much Laser power as u do in Ring and Drill.
  11. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    Drill increases laser damage by 20%.
  12. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    Yes but u lose more than u get in return
  13. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Does the OP have any further questions regarding this subject?

  14. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as OP is non responsive to Moderator.

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