[GI] The Great LIE: Exclusive Clientele's Flower Boxes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ΣVÏŁ_ŠİŦĤ, Sep 22, 2020.

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  1. Are you guys going to fix this?
    Exclusive Clientele's Flower Boxes
    Play using the DarkOrbit Downloadable Client to pick up the exclusive Flower Booty Boxes. Trade in Petalled Quartz contained within for techs, mines and more!

    Right now I rarely ever see a flower at first they where everywhere now you cannot find them???
  2. Yes, they've been reduced everywhere. The description in inventory says they are rare. The issue was, they put a load in the game BEFORE they decided that. So, they then had to take a load out. annoying I know.
  3. Even though I can no longer pick them up in browser they seem to be popping up a lot. Because I kept getting the message to use client to pick them up. You might want to refer back to forum faq's and see if there are times when they're more available.
  4. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.

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