[GI] Thread for minor issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *-ΛLΞMDΛЯ-*[ΛTΛ], Jan 28, 2022.

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  1. I have over the years noticed many minor issues which are so minor I haven't bothered to put them here in forum but instead though it would be an good idea to list them all here so hopefully they would be resolved. I would like if other players could also list here minor issues they have found.

    1. Trying to view jackpot arena in event rankings gives http error 500. Parasite tide, triathlon, collection marathon, target shooting, orbit racing, solar clash 2012, spacecup 2012, level football gate, football tdm and many more show a blank screen.

    2. Hades gate and Kuiper gate story pop up every time when you click on them in galaxy gates

    3. Ability achievements can be only done on Aegis, Spearhead and Citadel. Using the same abilities with Hammerclaw or with an centurion desing won't count

    4. Petalled quartz from the time when darkorbit moved to client remains in inventory even though there is no use for it and it can't be sold. Same for Tarnom and opitite

    5. RCB-140 can be used with energy leech but RSB-75 can not

    6. Weekly auction history can not be viewed

    7. Not exacly an issue but Champion drone desing costs 280,000 U a piece. Who in their right mind would buy one?

    8. (Not active right now but has been there for a while) In the battle pass store you can exhange 1 key for 5000 seprom but it only gives you 1000. The correct amount is in the descripion but the title says 5000

    9. Jackpot euros still exist even though we've been told it never somes back

    10. In achievement clicking UBA shows just your newest and nearly completed achievements like in overview

    11. B02 shields cannot be bought from the store but can be bought from auction
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
    Ðįmáŋ1993 and DEXTER-MORGAN like this.
  2. Dr.Ruppel

    Dr.Ruppel User

    the shield of a cucurbuium in kappa always starts at 1% visibly - its still there - and the little curbs also possess this aspect - add that to nr 11
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