Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ~samohen~(success), Sep 27, 2020.

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  1. Hi in the assembly it claims you can obtain the Tyrannus Centurion for 15000 Agate Splinters.
    On achieving and assembling this you do not obtain the ship.
    Its a design.
    (or I never received it.)
    If its a design it should state that.
    This is not the first time designs vs actual has been brought up.
    Can you advise please is it just the design???
    If this is the case then can DO please correct it for other players that misinterpret it.
    Thank You
  2. evve1

    evve1 User

    It's a design. You must have the ship Centurion in the base.
  3. Thanks evv1, I guessed as much.
    All it needed was the additional word "DESIGN"
    Perhaps the techs could ensure that in the future the word DESIGN could be put in.
    Please close
  4. Tyrannos Centurion+10% DMG
    +10% Accuracy
    +15 Speed
    -1 Laser Slot
  5. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Congrats on the new design! We will pass along your feedback as well, thank you.

    Closing as requested.
    TermiteFan likes this.
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