[GI] Tyrannos

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by IonAdrian11, Apr 7, 2020.

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  1. Someone know if the new Tyrannos designs, like:
    spectrum, disruptor, champion, spectrum and solace have the same bonus as centurion?

    I dont mean the kill counter, i mean speed-accuracy-dmg bonuses.

    Tyrannos Centurion
    +10% DMG
    +10% Accuracy
    +15 Speed
    -1 Laser Slot
  2. No they do not, the Tyrannos on Centurion gives bonuses because that is the specialty of the Centurion ship is that the abse ship gives no bonus but each of the designs can give you any type of bonus with a tradeoff.

    It's kind of a jack of all trades kind of ship.
  3. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello pilots

    thanks for helping the OP

    Got any other question or may I close ? @IonAdrian11

    Regards Rogue
  4. Yeah, thank you.
  5. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

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