[GI] Updated damage calculator

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by memrix, Nov 5, 2017.

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  1. memrix

    memrix User

    I was looking at the lf4 damage chart: http://darkorbit.wikia.com/wiki/Laser_Damage_Charts
    but if i calculate it for me it's not accurate, that chart suggests that i hit harder than i really do, even tho the chart doesn't mention drill formation...
    My question is if someone can point me to a updated version or a better damage calculator

  2. The calculator will give you an estimate of the damage you will do, but you also need to understand you do not have a guarantee all lasers will HIT or will be at MAX strength. You also have to know that LAG plays some part of the damage you do see.

    As far as a better calculator there really is none.
  3. memrix

    memrix User

    I understand that it's an estimate, but to be honest, it's not even close to the actual damage i do... I've been testing and i never come close to the damage 'suggested' in the charts, even though i should hit at least 20% harder (drill).
    Follow up question: is there a difference in damage output if you change the order in which you add a damage bonus?
    Either way, thanks for the response, i will devote time in creating an updated version of the chart, and will get back to that soon (i hope)
  4. There have been many threads about the Formations not working correctly. People have reported having to re-log after using Portals and Jump Chips to regain the benefits they are supposed to get from these.
  5. memrix

    memrix User

    i was unaware of this...this is disturbing