[GI] Waste of preparation

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by memrix, May 3, 2020.

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  1. memrix

    memrix User

    2 months.... 2 Months of hard farming and daily missions.

    All that in preparation of today, everything was ready, 80% honor and ep bonus, rebate, and moved my other plans to tomorrow.

    and now every zeta i do i get trapped somewhere and unable to log out, or do anything really other than just closing the window, and having to redo the wave with 1 fewer life to do the gate.

    Is this going to be the day i actually lose a Zeta gate by losing all my lives? I'll keep you posted.

    Is everyone else experiencing this problem?
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
  2. I am experiencing immense lag also as many other people i know, support is telling me that there is no problem at all and the usual things (clear cache etc.). They dont even care.
  3. memrix

    memrix User

    well at least i'm not alone in this.
    "Oh i should clear cache?....What?... that's the first time i've heard i needed to do that, i never would have thought of that, thank you support for that gem of a tip!"
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
  4. memrix

    memrix User

    UPDATE: done 14 zeta's so far, and the last one went without a hitch, so it might have been the time of day that was problematic
    Haven't lost any gates so far
    Last edited: May 3, 2020
  5. I stopped doing gates as of last night yesterday Kronos gate was perfect glitch free, Alfa laggy and locking up beta a joke lost a life first time ever, Gamma painfully hard, Delta ok fairly good very slight lag, BL maps today a joke stuck at port and when you do get to jump to strange locations,
    The idea of altering A,B, and Gamma has done nothing other than to waste our time, truly from a leading gaming company it's a joke.
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
  6. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello pilots

    If you get stuck Please try reach a Mod or Admin on the Do_discord with your UID and server, so we can get you unstuck as fast as possible :)

    Regards Rogue
  7. memrix

    memrix User

    Luckily i have workarounds to get 'unstuck' (close browser mid stuckness and reload) so i don't really need to do that pronto, also if i have to contact mod or admin every time they'll most likely ban me for 'spamming' XD

    but thanks either way
  8. memrix

    memrix User

    Zeta appears to have the most lagg thougj, i've done a lot of gates today, and only zeta so far has horrible lagg

    EDIT, MOD rabbit has needed to get me unstuck for 3 times now, i'll leave zeta as is,...at this rate i can't finish that gate today...too bad because the rewards were amazing

    FINAL COUNT: 18 gates today of which 1 KRONOS
    Last edited: May 3, 2020
  9. barney1

    barney1 User

    14 zeta gates in one day?? how is that even possible.. takes me slightly less than an hour to complete one.. + each one takes 20mins each to make?? did you play for 24 hours lol??
    memrix likes this.
  10. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Closing thread as answered

    Please next time reach a Mod or admin to get unstuck

    Regards rogue
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