[GI] Which is best ship to build

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Peace, Oct 2, 2020.

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  1. Peace

    Peace User

    Which is the best ship Memisis or Kreses?, can build 1 of them
  2. If you don't have it, I'd go with the cyborg.

    16 each shield and lasers, best balance.
  3. Given these two choices , I would build the "Keres"
    It has more HP and the Mimesis special warp ability can't be used in pirate maps.
    This recommendation is only because of the choices you provided . I personally fly the Hecate which I happen to like very much and before that I used the Solace,(it has more upgrade modules available )The Cyborg is a good ship but , there are no modules available for it .
    Ship preference also depends on your fighting style. Are you more of an offensive hunting player or do you find yourself on the defensive most of the time? These are important factors when choosing a ship.
    That being said a good player with good PvP skills could probably make any ship work . Hope you found this helpful. Good luck with any choice you make.
  4. Peace

    Peace User

    Thanks for reply's i have the cyborg, dont have the hecate. I use mostly G saturn as I have most modules for it. I only play for about 2hrs a day and do the daily missions then go to other maps to hunt for approx 15 mins.
    I think I'll do the keres ship.
  5. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.

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