[GI] Will changing my name affect login?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by EGGLOAF, Apr 25, 2020.

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    EGGLOAF User

    I was just wondering if I change my in-game name, will I have to login with that name as well? That could be difficult if the new name has special characters.
  2. No, your login name is unique and cannot be changed unlike your nickname which you use in-game and can be changed every 48 hours. :)
    KilerStreak likes this.
  3. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Thanks for helping the oP.

    Does the OP have any further questions?



    EGGLOAF User

    No further questions, go ahead and close.
  5. I have a question, is there a way to change your login Username?

    Mine is full of "special" signs and letters (due to the Username ingame and the login name being the same like 8-10 years ago).
    And given that we will get the new client at the end of the year and I am not sure how that will affect the login names I would like to change mine but I can't fing an option anywhere.

    So is it possible? Do I have to contact the support for this? Or do I have to wait, hope and pray for my login to still work with the new client?

    EGGLOAF User

    There's currently no way to change it without contacting support.
  7. Go ahead and try I changed my name with special characters, and they ban me for 2 weeks cause of my new name which was only a bad name cause DO whiners so they made me change it back but they did something to the way you can use special characters so now the game wouldn't let me use my original name from the game.

    EGGLOAF User

    Actually, some special characters aren't recognized anymore. If you got banned because of your name, it WAS NOT because it contained special characters. It even says it right in the rules that names with special characters are fine as long as they don't violate the other rules.
  9. If you read the post it says i changed my name that had special characters that were allowed before they made it so you couldn't.