Give new players a chance!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by •Ř•¥•✪•И•Ξ•™, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. All these updates over the last 3 years have killed the game for new players, I play on GB1 and lower maps are completely dead, uppers are pretty dead as well and nobody hunts in BM's anymore because of this thoughtless and stupid updating. The culprit are the UFE's.

    Make the most powerful ships the slowest and the weakest the fastest, give new players a chance to get away from danger and maybe they will stick around long enough to get into x-2, nobody in the world enjoys the progression of this game now, it's so bad.

    At least a change like this would begin to fix the problems with this game.
    burkey and SauronL like this.
  2. you are just too noob to understand how to play the game, and/or you are one of those types that want everything handed to you because you hate to work for. if you are a free player be prepared to invest about 20-30 per week for around 3 yrs if ur lucky before you would even get in the top 20% otherwise spend some money lol. 100.00 everyweek for about a yr :)
  3. pkomg

    pkomg User

    this game is already die, there will be nothing change even they make a big '' fix ''. this game is very old and it's not even a 3D nice graphic online, there are many other online games for people choose to play nowaday.
  4. I pay to play and have been for about 5 years, probably longer than you. I was also top 80 on my server at on point with a chief colonel rank, are you going to tell me now I am a noob? Also I never asked for anything handed to me? Did you actually read anything I said?
  5. Everyone who has got UFE etc like me has had to go through the exact same as new people have to go through at the moment so it would seem unfair to UFE players already if people can get UFE really quickly because then the new players wont have to put as much effort into the game as to what some other people have done and also with the new quests it is easy to get good.

    VESPID User

    Let's be honest, the reason is not the updates.
    It is the players, UFE, FE and even company killers attacking the lower map players just starting out. On that note the OP is right.

    Make no mistake, the enemy raiding parties are to blame.
    Instead of targeting the lowers I suggest targeting the uppers and BM's if it is still possible on your server or contact the Dev Team to impose a PvP free zone in the lowers and pally fields.

    Otherwise just kick rocks and hope the game combines your server with another dead server or servers to let the raiders feed on each other.
  7. Why impose a PvP free zone when the damn game is a PvP game? That's just plain stupid.

    VESPID User

    Tell that to the players of dead servers brainiac!!!
  9. I couldn't care less if newer players have it easier than I do, it's better than not having new players in the game at all and it's stupid to disagree with my point to be honest, there is no reason to. Getting one shotted is frustrating enough, without the fact that new players don't even have a chance to get away from powerful players.
    Currently weak players have 3 choices, 1/ sit at port and wait for the map to be clear (which is impossible to know after x-2) 2/ go and try to earn currency and get stronger but also very likely to die a large amount of times in a day and 3/ quit the game. Most new players pick 3 as the grind is incredibly long and who wants to die 20 times everyday knowing they have no chance to save themselves.

    What I suggested is hardly a gamebreaking change and it makes total sense. Stop with the ridiculous elitism because it's pointless and stupid.
    VESPID likes this.
  10. VESPID

    VESPID User

    A thousand times "YES!!!" The OP has seen the light!!!
    Please pay close attn to this guy!!!
  11. hey hey the FE not the coulprit its the only thing we can kill in low
    It is not the Fe we can only mostly go to lowers BECAUSE of the UFE , when i am in uppers hunting i gotta waite till anyone is about half hp or lower, cause either they run to a CBS which can pop me or they run to an UFE. Also while hunting in uppers UFE like to fly around cloaked and normally pop ya so FE can only go to lowers to get a better chance at kills, cause UFE dominion is to large.
  12. dude, when i started you got nothing, literally, you got a ship and a drone and a few lasers, now you get 10k uri, enough creds for a crapload of drones, some lf3s and lf2s, and a new ship. they dont need help, if you want to play the game you gotta play it like it is, thats why this is a strategical rpg game

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Compare the game when you started to how it is today, firstly, you don't get enough credits for a couple drone's, you get a nice chunk of uridium to start off with though, secondly, new players are very unlikely to stay long after thye know what they're getting into, the new starter bonuses are a big help but not to much like people cry, oh we got nothing but now if you started with nothing today, you'd go nowhere but back to base.

    Diamonds: I really wouldn't care if players were able to progress and build quicker, that would make the game more active and make fighting and hunting more fun, either it's get instant popped by Ufe's or hunt noobs, as for the quests, they are good for leveling up and all in all between initial rewards and killing aliens or enemies, they pay alright, one does give an Lf4, although I wouldn't go as far as saying you can build up a decent ship with the quests alone, maybe a high level ship but that doesn't get you anywhere nowadays's. I wouldn't say it's easy to get good, maybe you could get basic Fe which is a small stepping stone to Ufe, it might be easier to progress but it still takes years of farming or thousands of dollars to get a decent ship.

    I agree with everything in Ryne's posts.

    Vespid: I don't think imposing a no PvP zone in lowers would do anything except irritate players, yes it might protect noobs but then where would lower level hunters go for kills? Some can't get to enemy uppers or their such an easy kill that it wouldn't be worth it, lowers can be a training ground for new players and hunters a like, it is a PvP game and PvP in lowers wasn't a leading cause to the game being so dead, it was a cause but there were other things that ruined the game more, bots, battle cheats, all the expensive updates in general, there's no way to go back in time and change the game but updating it to make it easier on new players like what's been done so far is a good way to help them and keep them around and maybe make them spend.
  14. VESPID

    VESPID User

    How about
    If hunters want to hunt, let them go in a group to the uppers or wait till they are strong enough to do so.

    If pvp is what they seek, the uppers is where they should be forced to look instead of driving players away in concert with the other reasons you listed.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Maybe some hunters like myself don't like to hunt in groups, why tell a player when they can and can't hunt and where they can and can't do it, I thought your idea's were proposed to give players more options, hunting in lowers and with or without a group are all options, why take that away from players, hunters in lowers aren't even a leading cause to the games lack of players and slow demise, maybe when Ufe's sat in lowers all day but that's rare nowadays's.
  16. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Yea since lowers have emptied. There are still options, battle maps and uppers should suffice besides I thought you were against options.....It sure seems that way.
    Oh and for the record I am for options, I just seem to be evolving too.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I'm against options that are overpowered, not needed or wanted, ridiculous, etc. Lowers aren't as empty as you think, like I said lowers are a good place for new players and new and noob hunters alike, there should be options, someone did bring up the point that uppers are crawling with Ufe's which is usually true which means weaker players that want to hunt can't hunt very successfully.
  18. Its a PVP GAME!!!! This game is mostly a pvp game and you would have to get used to this :L The updates states that it try's to make new player easier to get involved in the game and they didn't say that it would make them easier to get them FE. The reason why some people are early good is because they have spent not only money but 1,000's of hours on the game, for example I have 3,100 hours on my account.
  19. VESPID

    VESPID User

    YES IT IS!!! This is a pvp based game but most new pilots join the game with the assumption that a buffer will be placed to allow their ships to be prepared for pvp.

    I remember the first time i watched another pilot witness a FE Goli raider vaporize the ship next to them with a single shot since they were firing on an alien in x-2 only to never return.

    That pilots name was "shard" I was asking him what the yellow streak along the left side of the screen meant while sitting at port to buy more ammo.
  20. umm witch quest gives u a lf4??? lol