[Global America 2] VRU Clan Recruiting

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Voom, Dec 10, 2018.

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  1. Voom

    Voom User

    [αямү] Go ARMY
    Is a new clan taking in all members of the VRU faction
    we are an English clan looking for:
    - New Players
    - Returning Players
    - Any Level
    - Casual Players
    - Dedicated Players

    Any and all above are welcome to send in an application
  2. Hmm perhaps you could consider switching to MMO. Lots of VRU targets from MMO perspective lol.
    thor714 likes this.
  3. thor714

    thor714 User

    lol...there's that zombie persona. you wear it well my friend
    -zombiedude- likes this.
  4. LoL,I should put a symbolic war on all MCC clans :)
    Seems though some good stuff in boxes today Uber 100s n such
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
    thor714 likes this.