Global America Problems

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º, May 19, 2014.

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  1. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    I seem to be getting massive lag ONLY when I'm shooting the hitac with a lot 0f other players (4-7).

    ASTRAEA User

    Does the Lag appear more apparent during the special events. If that is the case, please know that many servers are experiencing some type of lag. This can be caused by a variety of things.

    Amount of graphics added for that particular event.
    Amount of players attempting to participate in that particular event.
    Flash / cache and browsers needing clearing or updating...
    type of connection used
    Browser issue
    and a possible server issue.

    Please bare with us during the events, Lasers crossed this will get resolved.
    Have a wonderful day
  3. No many times it has happened when nothing is on, just occurs out of no where, the other night i had it (so did everyone else) and i was on a boss with a title lol. I was even in TS with german players and they too were freaking out about it because they were hunting.
  4. And of course it's happening again, we've been stuck for 10 mins now and no one can even log in, members are coming into teamspeak saying they can't connect, others of us on already can't do anything. This is ridiculous, 2 weeks and still not solved. I think we deserve some compensation for the trouble this has caused.
  5. Ok this is getting WAY out of hand. The game COMPLETELY freezes every couple of hours. It froze when i was in a gate earlier (it was a brief freeze so i barely survived) but right now the game will not let any of us connect. This is ridiculous. It cant be that hard to keep a server up and running, like seriously, we've put money into this game and this is all it does...
  6. They had 2 weeks to fix this issue, yet here we all are, in chat complaining when it freezes now in forums because we can't even connect to the damn game.
  7. Hmm currently I cannot get on my ship on GA.. I was on.. went to jump from 2-4 to 3-3 and there I am stuck in limbo. I can only hope I have not been killed by this. I had a full nano hull, just finished tossing 100k uri threw galaxy gate materializer.

    I will try to log on again shortly.

    Waiting for game page to time out so I can perhaps change hangers and warp my Goliath out of this limbo. currently it won't let me change hangers. "you can only change hanger at home base" is error I get.

    The server has been choppy all day. Intermittent freezing for a few seconds threw out the day.

    Peace :cool:
  8. I know this is ridiculous.. and yeah i think we should get some compensation from this too. Honestly its the least DO could do...
  9. Still unable to connect to game screen.

    The server did act up all day but did not interfere with completing my gates I had lined up. I did nearly die a few times but I managed threw it somehow lol.

    01.06.2014 - 10:56 5+day login bonus received

    Galaxy Gate Kappa completed..
    You received a LF-4 laser..
    You received 30,000 UCB-100 laser ammo..
    You received 10 log-disks..
    You received 5 green booty key(s)..
    Part received for the Kronos Gate..
    You received 11,434,500 EP..
    You received 15,000 Uridium..
    You received 357,500 honor points..
    Delta Gate completed.
    You received 45000 UCB-100 laser ammo.
    You received 5 repair vouchers.
    You received 8 log-disks.
    Part received for the Kronos Gate.
    Kronos Gate erected.
    You received 9,450,000 EP.
    You received 45,000 Uridium.
    You received 247500 honor points.
    Kronos Gate completed..
    You received 25000 UCB-100 laser ammo..
    You received extra energy for the galaxy-gate generator 250 times..
    You received 500 UBR-100 rockets..
    You received 5,000 RSB-75 laser ammo..
    You received 15 log-disks..
    You received 10 green booty key(s)..
    You received 12,600,000 EP..
    You received 25,000 Uridium..
    You received 450,000 honor points..

    Peace :cool:
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014

    ASTRAEA User

    As we are aware that there are several players that have had in game lag issues.
    This information has been passed on and as always I will do my very best to keep you informed as to how this is progressing.

    I am sorry that I do not have any further information at this time.
    Please try to have a lovely day and enjoy your game.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
  11. astrae there is a word u mentioned right now.... at the end of your first paragraph u said "hoe" please correct it :S

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you for the Typo notification... It is repaired.

    Have a lovely day!
    †→Zєηη←† likes this.
  13. Once again, we're all freezing in game and nothing is being done. 3 weeks still not fix still no compensation, DO is pushing my limits. Getting tired of this.
  14. has not been fixed i was frozen in one spot for 20 mins and this is what i pay for??
  15. Been frozen for over 30 it's gotten out of hand. Why do we play a game that doesn't get fixed when there are major issues?
  16. Same ol' same ol'..

    During the day was very choppy lag. Then just now this evening I log on, all seems fine. A couple of freezing spots, but only brief seconds. So I think.. Hmm.. I'll go to 4-5 and do some hunting. I hit jump and BOOM "limbo" again!!​

    Same damn thing as last week and the week before.

    So now I sit here, no game to play. Why you ask? I did not come threw the port, can't get back on my Game page. Back page and well of course the forum work great :confused:

    I understand things happen, someone did an update.. screwed up some code or whatever...

    Yep kinda discouraged about Dark Orbit again.


    PS: If by chance an Admin or someone can place my ship back in a map so I can at least play a map that would be appreciated. Oh yeah.. not x1 home map eh :p

    Thanks :D

    UID 27927305
    Global America
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
  17. I can't even log in, game is stuck on establishing connection.
  18. That's how it was for me, i finally got back in after a few hours.
  19. Don't even know why you're still playing on that broken Buguser Server. Collected Boxes for 12 Hours - that was the only thing i did in the past 2 1/2 Months.
    Had no Problems while doing that.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2014
  20. lol because i don't feel like starting over, i plan to build a ship on another server just for the hell of it, but that has future plans, for now i just enjoy using my main account to bash people in PvP, only good thing left in this game is PvP.
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