Goliath Designs

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by HelpMeHelpYou, Oct 28, 2015.

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  1. I am placing all designs in this thread so a person can see all in one place instead of having to search several places, but for more information you can go to specified locations and look for detailed information.

    The base Goliath ship is needed for any of these designs and has no benefit by flying without a design.

    Specialty Designs FAQ

    Diminisher Shield Leach ability & 5% dmg boost
    Sentinel Fortress ability and 10% Shield boost
    Solace Nano-Cluster Repairer and 10% shield boost
    Spectrum Prismatic Shielding and 10% shield boost
    Venom Singulalarity ability and 5% dmg boost

    Goliath Designs FAQ

    Amber (Company Pride no bonus)
    Bastion (10% shield boost)
    Centaur (10% HP boost)
    Crimson (looks only no bonus)
    Enforcer (5% dmg boost)
    Exalted (10% honor boost)
    Goal (Soccer 10% EP boost)
    Hezarfen (Turkish server only 5% dmg boost and 10% honor boost)
    Ignite (Friend Reward no bonus)
    Independence (USA Special no bonus)
    Jade (Company Pride no bonus)
    Kick (Soccer 10% shield boost)
    Referee (Soccer 5% dmg boost)
    Sapphire (Company Pride no bonus)
    Saturn (Kronos Gate 20% HP boost)
    Veteran (10 EP boost)

    Espionage Set (These give 7% dmg boost towards enemies of design worn)


    Event Rewards (must go to event notices to see)

    Razer "Skin" (Razor PvP Week no bonus)
    Surgeon (Parasite Tide 6% dmg/honor/EP boost + extra Generator slot)

    Ultimate Battle Arena (these are rewards and have no advantages)


    If I have missed any designs please let me know and I will add them to the appropriate spoiler for all to see. Please include design name, what it does, how it was received (if remember), and if it is server specific.

    So as requested I have updated with a brief description of benefits of each design.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
  2. bd33

    bd33 User

  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It was always just available for a limited time only: Razer PvP Week
    "DO chose to not comment on" makes it sound like they removed the promotion without ever telling people it wasn't permanent.

    The Centaur is sold at pretty infrequent and random times, maybe once every few months after a MHH, it is only 10% extra HP so it's not exactly a popular design to use. The only other designs missing from your list is Bronze, Silver and Gold I think, they are rewards for 3rd, 2nd and 1st in a UBA season.
  4. bd33

    bd33 User

    Razer skin design
  5. Saturn is better than Centaur - Beyonce says put a 'ring on it' o_O Earn it it - DO the GGs for it :cool:
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
  6. SauronL

    SauronL User

    You forgot on: Iron , Gold, Silver, Bronze - UBA seasons
    turkish design hezarfen
    and goliath grey design itself.
    + if you d add picture for each one it would be amazing, also + bonuses %
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2015
  7. there is no bonus for uba designs I have one on main account and does nothing atall no % on anything im shocked lol rubbish really
  8. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I mean for all not only for those he forgot on.
  9. AHH I see ;D
  10. So...

    1. Goliath - No bonus
    2. Jade - No bonus
    3. Sapphire - No bonus
    4. Crimson - No bonus
    5. Amber - No bonus
    6. Exalted - 10% more honor
    7. Veteran - 10% more Xp
    8. Enforcer - 5% more dmg
    9. Bastion - 10% more shield
    10. Refree - 5% more dmg
    11. Kick - 10% more shield
    12. Goal - 10% more Xp
    13. Razer - No bonus
    14. Surgeon - 6% more dmg, 6% more honor, 6% more Xp & 1 extra generator-slot
    15. Independence - Special design, ONLY on USA / America servers; No bonus
    16. Hezarfen - Special design, ONLY on turkish servers; 5% more dmg & 10% more honor
    17. Ignite - No bonus
    18. Centaur - 10%% more hp
    19. Saturn - 20% more hp

    20. Peacemaker - 7% more dmg
    21. Sovereign - 7% more dmg
    22. Vanquisher - 7% more hp

    23. Iron - No bonus
    24. Bronze - No bonus
    25. Silver - No bonus
    26. Gold - No bonus

    27. Venom - Special abillity & 5% more dmg
    28. Deminisher - Special abillity & 5% more dmg
    29. Solace - Special abillity & 10% more shield
    30. Spectrum - Special abillity & 10% more shield
    31. Sentinel - Special abillity & 10% more shield

    From 31 designs you can "only" have 30 designs.

    Why not 31 ?
    For example: You can't buy the "Independence" design on an turkish or the "Hezarfen" on a USA server ^^
    So, on a german server you can only have 29 designs, cuz there is no Independence or Hezarfen :D

    Regards from USA East 2

    edit: I was lookin how much I exactly have xD
    22 designs.
    I still need: Independence, Iron, Silver, Gold, Vanquisher, Sovereign & Centaur
    Than I have all designs I can have in my server :D

    How about u ?
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
    jackknife and Peo0pl3GA5 like this.
  11. You missed the Peacemaker which is sold at the same time you get the Vanquisher and Sovereign (when DO decides to sell the ESPIONAGE set) but then it is confusing how the dmg boost works cuz whatever company you are wearing the dmg boost only works on their enemies so it only works on 1 company unless you want to get negative honor for shooting your own company members.

    Okay I updated the post with brief descriptions. I do not do U B A so I don't have those 4, missing Centaur, Independence, Goal, Ignite, Kick, Referee, and Saturn. I do not spend much on the game and when I do it is usually MHH or Premium/Advantage packs and don't change designs much.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
  12. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I miss Ignite, gold, bronze :/
  13. I burn 20% better o_O
  14. ~~Dr.T~~

    ~~Dr.T~~ User

    Is it a typo that vanquisher gives 7% more HPs while the other 2 designs do 7% more dmg?
  15. Yes they all do 7% more damage to the enemy colors of the Ship/Design you are wearing.
  16. .ART98.

    .ART98. User

    I have almost all designs in my collection, even those "Expo 2016", "Frost" etc, but the IGNITE is till missing for me.
    I really hope they will bring it back to the game ( without invite 25 "friends" ) cause letz be honest...
    No one who have this design did it on the "fair" way. ( My opinion )

    What do u think 'bout it ?

  17. Check the SHOP section, they placed the ignite design to be bought for cash.
  18. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Hello.Are you sure that hezarfen and independence designs are USA and Turkey specials?I have seen both of them on GE4.Also,let me know how much they cost for payment in €.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  19. When this thread was started they were exclusive but the Hangar Change made them available at special times and I don't know the pricing on them. As a US player I have never seen the Hezarfen and the Independence is only available around the 4th of July IF D O decides to offer it. The GE4 player may be a Turkish server login and thus could be able to buy the Hezarfen and play with it on that server I really don't know though.
  20. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    I think i saw Hezarfen on shop for payment a few months ago but i don't remember well.