Google Chrome and Flash player.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ICΣ~CΘLD~ƘILLΔ, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. Hi,
    Hello,People i am currenlty having a very wierd problem in Google Chrome as Google Chrome has Flash-Plugin Player in-built today before 3-4hours darkorbit was working fine but now when i go back page my Equipment page does'nt load and where the Ship,drones,Pet Flash movie does'nt work both on equipment and Hanger page it gives error "
    In order to play DarkOrbit, you need the latest version of Flash Player. Just install it to start playing!
    Download the Flash Player here for free: Download Flash Player"
    But everything updated in my PC and yesteday i just cleaned and defragged whole PC.But it worked fine after cleaning PC but now the error hops up.
    You just need to update Flash player nothing else and yes that thing showed up too in my opera and i updated it but while updating flash player was also updating built-in flash player of google chrome and it failed dont know why. At first i used to play Do in chrome but i use opera or mozilla now as those 2 are far more better now . Chrome crashed shock wave player and flash player frequently.
    So i advice you to update Flash player in opera or mozilla and your good to go:)
  3. yup Flash was Already upto date and i cleand the PC again now works but which is best browser for DO?
  4. Best browser was chrome but now is opera and mozilla
  5. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Different browser work better for different PCs so it is best to try a few on your system and see which works best for you.

    However I am currently finding SRWare iron works best for DO.
  6. I have never heard of that browser, could you send me the link to download it and try it? would be much appreciated :D
  7. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    If you just search for "srware iron download" it will list the web site you can download it from. I'm not sure if it is ok to post links to external web sites in the forum.
  8. well we did kinda go out of subject of the thread, in any case ICΣ~CΘLD~ƘILLΔ , next time you have such problems and your flash player is up to date, you might want to try clearing the flash player cookies...
  9. Hello,

    I had this problem too. If you followed the instructions on the Adobe page, you'd know to go to "about://plugins," and enable Flash. Somehow it got disabled with the newest Google Chrome update.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  10. Since the new back page updates the whole thing has been lagging like hell intermitently on all over the servers. I suspect that its a beta auction version they are currently installing testing and preparing to implement along with other niggles and quirks. The whole thing has become strained and needs venting awhile. Best to check what browser will respond best to you every few versions of the game, which can be monitored in-game, as well as entering the command for chat /version to check that one, and clear the cache there as nescessary, since all it holds is a chat registry. Even when a hdd locks and respins, the game will run smoothly in most browsers. Opera is by far the fastest browser to read html and display data, but that same advantage is known to lag in flash aplications. All you can really do is restart the browser and carry on.
  11. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User


    Thankyou to all for your answers.

    If you wish to continue using the Chrome browser, I would recommend removing the inbuilt "Pepper-flash" plugin, and just download and use the official Adobe FlashPlayer. It will resolve a lot of browser issues in-game. For more details, see the following:

    Chrome Flash Player Fix

    With regards to browser choice, the best advice we can give is to simply go with what works. Depending on your computer set-up, you may get better results from different browsers in different areas - there is no "best" browser for every situation, so you will need to experiment a little.