[GI] great news

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by stella18037, Jan 1, 2021.

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  1. after several days of barely bothering to log in ,i have logged in full screen working and i can even use 3d .i dont know what dark orbit guys girls have done but thankyou.my frames per second go from 12 to like 40 im not sure how to stablelise this but clearly they are doing amzing job .deter pls let the team know and any advise on stablisingfps would be great help .happy new year dark orbit youve made my day i was so gutted aftyer ten years of playing thinking id have to quit but now things are looking up and i hope the game runs for another ten years well done and thank you .loyal honest players deffo worth carring on
    Terror-The-Legend likes this.
  2. hi you can login with client? im cant from 30.12
  3. AVIT

    AVIT User

    indeed full screen works , good if you like playing in full screen ..However once enabled you cant turn it off without logging out !! and it says hot keys will not work if FLASH IS NOT ENABLED !!! ..i prefer not to play in it as i like to use the taskbar on pc to open other pages in browser . so no significant improvement for me .
    AS for fps .mine is always at 61fps for ages client or the old browser ,, if you meaning it drops when ships are about or npc and by how many . ..it does ,its always done that . so again no significant improvement if not 60 fps when other things are interacting
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2021
    OILDAILY likes this.
  4. All I can say is.
    This is the best it has been for a long time.
    No juddering, minor lag, few bots, can lock on now and all pages working well.
    Thank you.
    Congratulations please keep it that way
  5. funnny uno you say about fps and so on all other games i play i have no issues this the only game now were fps jumps up and down seems weird to me that they cant stable ize it or wat ever they need to do .why with all other games fps and lag almost 99 pervent no issues yet here it crazy ,dont get me wrong client is new so hoping they can make adjustments to decrease lag in game ...well done to developers threw these trying times trying pls us all but i would like to see some improvements ie removal of the bots which seem to cause lag and more information to help us all ti improve settings and performance in game i wonder if theres a setting they have forgot to tell us about lol ave fun >dark orbit well done so far
  6. Bibulus

    Bibulus User

    Well id like to say something positive but can't, have adjusted as much as i can on my computer, I'm on the lowest settings on the game and still get lag and freeze frame and the game crashes
  7. I use F11 to switch to full screen and I don't get " hot keys" drop down warning.
    However , I do when I use the on screen icon.
    Top bar is still there and I can minimize the page in "view" at top left . In my opinion this is still not true full screen.
  8. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive

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