Hades gate Emperor Lordakium vanished

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [Smeg], Dec 12, 2013.

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  1. [Smeg]

    [Smeg] User

    8 of us in the Hades gate trying to kill the Emperor Lordakium, and he just vanished. We're sitting here staring at each other wondering what to do. No gate has appeared or anything.
    SauronL likes this.
  2. SauronL

    SauronL User

    ENEMY LOCATOR not showing any NPC here in OPTIONS
  3. Write it to support, I heard before it just disappears instead of teleporting. Means they still giving us a broken gate, too lazy to fix it, too lazy to give us a decent b-day gate.
  4. [Smeg]

    [Smeg] User

    Had to get a CM to lift us out. No credit for the wave, have to do it again. Before the Emperor Lordakium vanished all of us spent a ton of ammo on him and his HPs wouldn't go down. Oh well...
  5. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello [Smeg]

    It is an issue being investigated. Hopefully there will not be any issues on your second attempt, but we do apologise for the inconvenience. If there are further problems with this, please contact Support directly - there is a link in my signature, if needed.

    SauronL likes this.
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