Hades gate not working correctly.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by New_Montana, Dec 13, 2013.

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  1. I just used my last life in the Hades gate. When I went to the Galaxy Gate screen I bought another life. However, the Hades gate did not present itself for reentry. The game took my uri but it didn't allow me back into the gate. I went out of the GG screen and came back in. I created the gate again thinking that was what I needed to do. But no, I could not get back to the current hades gate I was playing (level 3). Now I'm starting all over again at level 1. What gives. Gate should be changed to allow player to pay for lives while still in gate. Too much ammo is expended on this gate not to give a player the option to continue while in the gate.

    Please try to change the way this gate works and maybe all the gates.
  2. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello New_Montana

    I cannot speak from personal experience, but the issue appears to be in your opening statement where you stated that "you used your last life". If all of your lives are lost, then the Gate will be failed - you will need to purchase additional lives while at least having one available.

    That being said, you should not be able to purchase another life when the Gate has been lost - that may have been a glitch with the Galaxy Gate page. I would recommend contacting Support to see if the issue of the lost Uridium can be investigated further. There is a link in my signature for convenience.

    Contact Support
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