Hangar all 'blacked out'

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by PlanetChaser, Jan 15, 2025.

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  1. GE5/GB
    Anyone else experiencing this?
    I can select hangar on back page and highlight my ship, but when I click the "Manage" button the next screen is blacked out, not completely, just the centre section framed in grey. I cannot do or select anything.
    All works fine on my other account and both have same setting...
  2. Im having the same issue days now. Cant play the game properly
  3. woi10

    woi10 User

    same with me here, been havin this issue for days and support dint do anything yet
  4. _-Agustin-

    _-Agustin- User

    I have the same problem, the hangar appeared blocked from when I created the P.E.T. tanks
  5. I recommend trying the unity client if you haven't as yet. Worked for me
  6. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    how did you get the download to work, it downloads but that is as far as i get. can't get help from support on this issue or the mods of these pages. i can't even get in the old server it has no start button anymore.
    tibstar likes this.
  7. I think I may have sorted this issue. I activated my new PET on the map screen, then went into hangar, hey presto no longer blacked out. Thanks Agustin for the mentioning PET, made me try a few things.
  8. angelokar1

    angelokar1 User

    I have the same problem with a dark screen in Hangar without being able to modify anything. I have already tried different things and nothing has changed. When I changed to Unity I lost my account and started again. I sent a ticket to support and they are still investigating since December and the support guy gets angry because I resend the ticket.
  9. tibstar

    tibstar User

    Also same issue for me
  10. yes