Hanger probz..

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ™T_HellDawg™, Dec 18, 2013.

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  1. Im having problems with my hanger in the back page. First off it only shows half my inventory and doesnt scroll all the way down on my drones and ship (as seen in the picture). Also it works fine for a few changes then after a few it wont drag my item to or from my ship, Example: When im dragging an lf4 and drop it on a drone it doesnt put it on there. Please help me fix this it is causing issues and makes setting up my configs hard...

  2. srbinas

    srbinas User

    You got zoomed your browser. Try press both Ctrl and MouseWheel up or down for zoom in and zoom out to resolve that issue.
  3. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello ™T_HellDawg™

    The above is correct - thankyou

    I think you will find that you currently have your browser set to a 90% zoom. It is a common mistake when working in the Hangar with the Ctrl key. Simply adjust the zoom to 100% or more to correct it.