Happy Hours

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 19, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Happy Hours

    "Happy Hour" and "Mega Happy Hour" (or HH and MHH) are your chance to really cash in on your money when purchasing Uridium. Both of these events will have an hour's duration, and they will be advertised by a message ingame, and by pop-ups in all sections of the Backpage. They are totally random, and no one can tell you when they are going to occur. Please don't ask CMs in chat, or FMs on the Forum, as they will tell you the same thing.

    The clock at the bottom of the pop-ups will give a countdown of the time remaining for the event. The remaining time will also be periodically displayed in an ingame message.
    Happy Hour Changes

    Happy Hour awards you double the amount of Uridium purchased.

    Happy Hour.jpg

    Mega Happy Hour awards you triple the amount of Uridium purchased.

    Mega Happy Hour.jpg mhh..PNG

    Helix Happy Hours/Tiered Helix hour/Helix Blitz

    Capture3243.PNG ghh.png HelixBlitx.PNG

    Thank you to Razor for the assistance on this thread

    Last edited by moderator: Apr 16, 2018
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