Having a lot of problems with new update!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SUX_Riivo_SUX, Feb 28, 2015.

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  1. Hi!

    First of all i want to say that this was the worst update in 2015 what you have made.
    Every time when i die and i want to spawn, my game freezes for 10 seconds and it is on every single map, not only in 5-3.

    Secondly, I have some kind of twerking rockets when I shoot them.. You can see that they are shaking when they are flying on the enemy.

    Then every time when enemy is going to use EMP and I lock him again..I can't shoot him and I have to lock something else and after this lock him again.. I have died because of this like 10 times at least.

    And what is the point of having map on mini map when your map is in your settings none? It should be fixed immediately, it is annoying to play like this when you can see the map on the mini map.

    Thank you FOR READING THIS!
  2. 100% AGREE

    The back-round on the mini map is TERRIBLE !!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us shot that off !!

    On Orange-Red maps, I can't see enemy dots !!! ON BLUE maps I can't see BLUE dots !!!


    IT IS INFURIATING !!! CHANGE IT BACK !!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    EDIT : I see that 2 servers have the option to turn this off....Please get this to all the servers ASAP.....PS The otion to turn it off should have come out with the update right??? That way this doesn't happen, unless this is the feedback Dark Orbit likes to create :confused::confused::confused:

    I'm not even gonna comment on the emp glitch...disgusting..geeesh.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
  3. Hello SUX_Riivo_SUX

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    Are you still experiencing this issue?