Having Fun in Chat :D

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VintageAion, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: hi

    [Θ†L²] †G€ŘM†: anything is possible lol

    [Username Removed]:cause then his rsb hit me 250k

    [Username Removed]:vengies cant hit 250k

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: Why not

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: lol

    [Username Removed]:it's not possible

    [Second Username Removed]:anyone who wants to do LOW

    [Username Removed]:a single shot is impossible for a vengie

    [Username Removed]:a compbo if you're lucky but he single rsb shot me 250k

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: u do know its damage per second

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: not per shot

    [Username Removed]:you're an idiot if you don't know rsb is a single shot

    [Θ†L²] †G€ŘM†: o.0

    [Username Removed]:brb

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: do you know that RSB + whites in 1 second can combine

    [Username Removed]:are you blind [Removed]?

    [Username Removed]:i said he single shot rsb

    [Username Removed]:not a combo

    [Username Removed]:1 rsb shot nothing with it

    [Username Removed]:he was hitting me with x3 then a single rsb shot came out of no where with 250k and i insta popped through shields

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: you can easily shoot whites > then RSBs really fast and make it look like only RSB shot

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: I used to do it all the time

    [Username Removed]:eek:kay someone tell captain moron here he's too stupid to argue with me

    [Username Removed]:either way back to what i was saying

    [Second Username Removed]:HEALER has no idea how to do low

    [Username Removed]:the guy never shot a single x4

    [Username Removed]:you can't hide the x4 even if it's a rsb x4 combo which he never used the x4

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: He probably did. Lag probably took in place.

    [Username Removed]:the whole time it was red lasers then he hit me a single rsb hit and i died 250k

    [Username Removed]:no cause even if he did

    [Username Removed]:then the shots woudl still be showing x4 when i died and not x3

    [Username Removed]:so get your facts straight.

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: still sounds like lag to me

    [Username Removed]:still sounds like you can't come up with a decent argument

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: since pretty much thats been happening to me the last 2 days

    [Username Removed]:yeah the servers laggy

    [Username Removed]:but i know how the game works

    [Username Removed]:even if he used x4

    [Username Removed]:when i died it would show

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: exactly. So it was probably lag. I been getting shot with 600k damage all day yesterday

    [Username Removed]:willing ot bet thats jsut the cheats

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: I doubt it.

    [Username Removed]:cause an aegis hit me 125k x3 green lasers yesterday when i wasn't lagging at all

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: there is a difference between flash lag and connection lag

    [Username Removed]:w/e you can't come up with a damn thign to back fire what i said 5 times just keep saing lag

    [Username Removed]:get off the game if you can't say somethign to shut up my facts

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: Want me to say he used god mode on you?

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: You just so quick to call hacks but you cant pick up the possibilities that it could of just been lag

    [Username Removed]:wow you're desperate for the win in this

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: no, I am just saying lag. you keep coming bakc saying hacks

    [Username Removed]:because i have the kind of eyes to pick up on things

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: so your the best?

    [Username Removed]:no means i know what i saw you weren't there nor have you come up with a way to expin the end

    [Username Removed]:i'll say it one more time for your puny braing to comprehend.

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: Well like I siad. Since I didnt see it. The only thing it sounds like >>>To me<<< is lag

    [Username Removed]:when you die. laser shots still fire on the dead screen, w.e it was they hit yo uwith keeps going for a second

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: You got no video to show me so I cant say anything else but lag

    [Username Removed]:i saw x3 not x4

    [Third Username Removed]: whispers:dream is full of himself and always thinks hes right :p no point in trying to win an argument

    [Username Removed]:because you're a [removed]

    [Username Removed]:you still ignore what im saying

    [Username Removed]:shows you lost and can't accept it

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: Lost what?

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: I didn't lose anything. I am still playing

    [Username Removed]:im quitting DO in 2 days

    [Θ†L²] [Third Username Removed]:: lol the good old "imd done with DO"

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: Why? Because lag?

    [Username Removed]:no because this games trash and im not spending anymore so im not gonna bother playing just gonna do other things.

    [Third Username Removed]: whispers:hahahaha that was a good one

    [Second Username Removed]:bored

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: But why would you quit such a great non hacked laggy game?

    [Θ†L²] [Third Username Removed]:: if the games garbage you wouldnt have blown a months rent on it

    [Second Username Removed]:Lol

    [Username Removed]:plus leaving DO means not listening to dumbasses in chat all day

    [Username Removed]:lol i didnt even pay $20 for my last 3 months of gameplay

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: Its not nice calling Coco that

    [Username Removed]:i get prem

    [Username Removed]:which im not longer buying

    [Second Username Removed]:jaja

    [Username Removed]:plus i dont pay rent

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: Me niether

    [Username Removed]:my money goes into all the tech in my room

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: Military does that for me

    [Username Removed]:eek:ffered to pay some bills but my dad told me no

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: Darkorbit is my bill

    [Θ†L²] [Third Username Removed]:: lol HAHAHA

    [Username Removed]:plus i jsut spent a grand last week :3

    [Username Removed]:not puttting naymroe on crap orbit

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: your rich boy

    [Username Removed]:no

    [Username Removed]:not even close

    [Username Removed]:i jsut saved up 3 years of workign for idiots

    [Username Removed]:eek:kay last year wasnt so bad

    [Username Removed]:i switched positions and my new boss was col but the new manger hates me so she [removed] me this year

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: Sounds like lag

    edrian643: .

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: lol

    [Θ†L²] [Third Username Removed]:: BWHAHHAHAHAHJA

    [Username Removed]:sounds like you need to get over your loss and get a life

    [Third Username Removed]: whispers:that was the best thing ive ever seen ahaha

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: I play darkorbit

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: I have many lives

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: when I die, I respawn

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: 1up

    [Second Username Removed]:if you like lives play mario lol

    [Username Removed]:lol

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: mario doesnt know how to fly planes

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: only feathers

    [Username Removed]:can drive

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: into a wall

    [・・] Lindsey_Stirling: hit a turtle and you die

    edrian643: hhahahh
  2. pecanin

    pecanin User

    In old days there was bug/cheat call it what you will where you could only use RSB and it would fire like X4 ...no cooldown..some people still try it these days ,not seen it work for loooong time
  3. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    I'm surprised chat has lost its privacy for the past couple of years. You would get banned for even saying 'butt' lol
  4. •Jinx™

    •Jinx™ User

    Banned for saying "butt" ? I see people swearing at their worst and getting away with it.
  5. I have NO idea what you mentioned - the Violent woman - offends me. As I coupled my shoulder 4 warmth. Music appears.