havoc damage boost?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GUAVA, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. GUAVA

    GUAVA User

    I saw someone saying in chat today that the havoc boost only works if you have 8 drones, if you have 9 you dont get the boost, i have 9 havocs all equipped, and that the boost you get is more than 4 lf3s, i dont want to sell a drone if this is not the case but would like some feedback on this please.
  2. havoc dmg boost works when u got max number of drones and same number of havoc
    so if u got 8 drones and 8 havoc on u will receive the dmg boost and same if u got 9 drones and 9 havoc and same if u got 10 drones and 10 havoc on so u dont need to sell drone to receive the boost and to make sure go to ur equipment and see ur drones effect in normal its 10/20 so if u have all havoc on it will be 20/20 for all ur drones
  3. GUAVA

    GUAVA User

    Thanks, i just checked and yes it says 20/20, i now need to remember who was saying in chat about it so they don't sell a drone when they don't need to.