Hecate Special Sale

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Oddessey, Nov 7, 2019.

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We’re going to offer our special Halloween Hecate Ship Designs once again. In addition, this time there will also be the Hecate Ship itself available in the payment section (just click on the breaking news and the payment section with the packages opens).
    • They will be available during a special sale in the payment section with the following packages:
      1. Carbonite Hecate Pack which includes 1 Carbonite Hecate Design, 6,000 RSB-75 and 3,000 CC-C ammunition
      2. Lava Hecate Pack which includes 1 Lava Hecate Design, 6,000 RSB-75 and 3,000 CC-C ammunition
      3. Poison Hecate Pack which includes 1 Poison Hecate Design, 6,000 RSB-75 and 3,000 CC-C ammunition
      4. The Spooky Hecate Design pack which includes 1 Carbonite Hecate Design, 1 Lava Hecate Design, 1 Poison Hecate Design, 20,000 RSB-75 and 10,000 CC-C
    • There will be an additional package available that includes the Hecate ship only.
    The special sale of the packages mentioned above will be available from Friday, 8th November at 10 am (LST) until Monday, 11th November at 23.59 (LST).

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
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