HELP do not delete

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ╬☼§ΞŇŦĪŊΞŁ†╬†PЯIMΞ☼╬, Jan 21, 2014.

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  1. hi my names john
    my friend let me log in so i can access the DO forums so i can try and get something sorted out ive already tried speaking with support but they seem to think that im not worth thier time or effort in relation to my problem so here i go

    3 months ago i took a break from playing DO except to make it seem active so it dont get deleted for inactivity but on the 3rd month i was unable to log in so i done the normal forgot pword trick and it said there was no game account link with my email which was strange so checked my emails nothing there either so it wasnt a case of wrong password or username as my browser saved my username and password automatically after the update regarding user names blah blah

    spoke to a few of my mates who also play the game and they have told me someone has been flying around on my account which is strange coz it wasnt me and i wasnt even able to log on ?? which basically means my email got hacked along with my DO account and it was taken from me :(

    i then learn that the person who hacked it sold it on to another person which made my blood boil and whats worse is i fine out my account had been perm banned for use of a bloody bot :mad:

    so please can someone help me out here in getting my account returned to its rightfull owner as i miss playing the game and most importantly i miss my the account i started the game with back in 2006!! and had spent over £2500 on making it top brass in the world of PVP

    so please tell me what i need to send you guys regarding my account and i shall supply it in ample amount as i want and need my account back and i am not starting again from scratch not when it took me around 8 years and £2500 to get were i got it to just have it stolen from me.

    please do not give me the typical copy and paist routine either as i get fed up with those and please do not close thread or remove it coz i need an answer as im desperate to have my pride and joy returned asap

    yours sincerly John Hill
  2. I'm afraid to say it, but there's nothing anyone here can do about it. Support are the only people with the magic keys. If they won't help you, then you're pretty much out. :/

    BOSS~ADAM User

    You won't get your account back, it was hacked, resold botted and permanently banned, support is worthless but if they weren't they might be able to recover it.
    Secondly logging onto a friends account or account sharing is a violation of the T&C's.
    You could've made an account to access the forums in 5 minutes, probably less.
    cooljak96 likes this.
  4. BOSS im sat with the owner of the account lol i live down street from him lmao nd was over his thought id try my luck

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I see, anyways refer to my last post and Darth's post, you'll have no luck getting your account back on forums since no one on forums has power and support is to incompetent to help and since you said all that happened to the account it has next to no chance of being recovered.
  6. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    All you can do is contact support. Nothing can be done on the forums. And since the account has been sold, botted, and banned, it will probably take a lot of convincing to make them even try to get your account back.
  7. .Šuяaj.

    .Šuяaj. User

    get a lawyer,thats ur only chance!
  8. Yes Please Get a Lawyer and Give Darkorbit(Bigpoint) a taste of there own medicine! PLEASE!!!! Same things happened to me. . . I sent countless amounts of emails to support but they did nothing besides give me bull shizzz!

  9. *CG*

    *CG* User

    do you seriously believe he was hacked, account sold and then they botted and got banned? the botters feel the pain!

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Who know's, he wouldn't admit if it was his doing that got the account banned but if it was you have no chance of getting un-banned, it's always possible as he described, hackers take accounts then sell them off and they get thrown around the Darkorbit underworld which usually means cheaters/botters get their hands on it and bot on it then it gets banned.

    Back on topic, your best bet is contacting support as nothing can be done on forums, get a lawyer if you feel you need to but it would probably be more hassle then it's worth.
  11. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello ╬☼§ΞŇŦĪŊΞŁ†╬†PЯIMΞ☼╬

    Thankyou to all for your answers.

    Your only option is to continue to discuss it with Support. We can only offer game assistance on the Forums - anything account-related MUST be handled through the Ticket process. I am sorry, but there is nothing we can do for you from here.

    Closing, as this issue rests with Support.

    Contact Support
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