HELP !!! still can log on

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ABC™, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. ABC™

    ABC™ User

    Quiet simple i posted a number of msg here, and all been ignored by DO, DO dont help than i why should i use MHH ??

    Latest issue i get is this msg when i i hit start on DO

    In order to play DarkOrbit, you need the latest version of Flash Player. Just install it to start playing!
    Download the Flash Player here for free: Download Flash Playe

    Well im not that thick ( no comments) i installed and unistalled it several times.
    Before this the " LOADING" box would get all the way to the G, before stopping

    ANY IDEAS DO tech team, or are you just going to ignore yet another msg ??
  2. White_Pepper

    White_Pepper Guest


    Sorry to hear that you are having issues logging in.

    Support are aware of the issue, however it is believed that it is a flash player/browser issue and not from the DO side, support are trying to find a fix for the issue.

    I have managed to log in into the server after refreshing the loading page quite a few times, I know it is frustrating for some players but please remain patient while a fix can be found.

  3. one would like to say something that could help you ABC but it looks like we are all in the same boat bud.
    [​IMG] 65753382
    wish me luck about to try and play again
  4. Uhh like my 50th time of trying to load the bar up... WHAT is going on?!
  5. ABC™

    ABC™ User

    given up counting
  6. i have the same too , fix this problem plz
  7. This issue should now be resolved - if it hasn't been then please message support.
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