Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mongoose, Apr 21, 2014.

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  1. mongoose

    mongoose User

    Wow, not sure how to begin. Just got level 12. First impulse of course was to go to Pirate Maps to see what all the fuss is about. So there I was minding my own business. When someone just had to start a fight. That did not bother me as much as what happened next. In the middle of the battle my Pet lost all gears and protocalls and went passive. My Goliath went to 1000 hit points and did not recognize any of the extras on it. Bear in mind that both the ship and the Pet viseably showed all extras. It was just that in reality they did not exist. and yes I of course was immediately killed. Well just a glitch right. So the answer is reboot or restart right? Well did both twice and nothing. Next step logically is to delete config and reload, right? Wrong again. Ship empty still shows 1000 hit points versus 256,000. Will not recognize any extras except slot extender. AND it is still showing 13 speed and 2 shield generators. Same on the Pet. Will not see any gears or protocalls. There is no joy in mudville. Does anyone care to take a shot on this? I am at my wits end so any help given is greatly appreciated. Thank You! Mongoose
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Going to presume you have put everything on both configs and not just one? Apart from that all I can really advise is the whole clear you cache business just encase it will solve the problem, the chance is slim but it might.

    If that doesn't work I think contacting support is your only real option.
  3. mongoose

    mongoose User

    Yes I tried that again. Have sent request to support as you have suggested. I will keep you apprised of there solution to this. Thanks for looking. In the meantime if you get any ideas let me know.
  4. CURVY

    CURVY User

    it sounds to me like if you have any at all, put everything on one config, if you press c on the game you swap configs. to make sure they're set up go to hanger, and then equipment to make sure everything is in place on both configs. also the 1k hp out of 256k sounds like you just haven't repaired.

    Here is a list of everything a basic fe (full elite) needs, you may or may not have some of these items but they're good.

    Recommended Basic items : Goliath, vengeance, Aegis or citadel. (Goliath / Aegis Most reccommended)

    Bid for items and their prices ( Item/Price ):

    ((( WEAPONS )))
    Lf3 (you need 26 veng, 31 goli) / 20-30 millon credits each.
    Hellstorm-Launcher 2 (you need one, or two if you buy citadel) / 10-50 thousand credits each.

    ((( SHIELDS )))
    Bo2 (you need 16) / 20million credits each.

    ((( DRONES )))
    Iris Drone (you need 8) / 6-30 millon credits each.

    ((( CPU's )))
    Smart Bomb CPU (you need one)/ 50 thousand credits each.
    Slot CPU 4 (you need one)/ 1-2 millon credits each.
    Rocket turbo (you need one) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Rocket Launcer CPU (you need one)/ 10-50 thousand credits each.
    Rocket CPU (you need one)/ 10 thousand credits each.
    Repair auto bot CPU (you need one) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Turbo mine CPU 2 (you need one) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Drone repair CPU 2 (you need to keep buying as you use them)/ 30 thousand credits each.
    Auto Rocket CPU (you need one) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Ammunition CPU (you need one) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Repair bot 4 (you need one) / 10-50 thousand credits each.
    Cargo bay expansion (you need one) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Armory upgrade 3 (you need one) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Insta-shield CPU (you need one) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Advanced jump CPU 1 (optional) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Jump CPU 2 (optional) / 500 thousand credits each.

    ((( DESIGNS )))
    All basic Goliath designs (Benificial) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Special Designs (benificial) / 500-2000 million credits each.
    All basic Vengeance Designs (Benificial) / 10 thousand credits each.
    Lightening Vengeance (benificial) / 500-2000 million credits each.
    Aegis designs (desirable) / 500-2000 million credits each.
    Citadel designs (deirable) / 500-2000 million credits each.

    (((PILOT BIO)))
    fats and bubble shield:ship hull 1- 2pp, engineering- 1pp, shield engineering- 2pp,
    evasive manuvres-2pp, ship hull2- 3pp, shield mechanics-5pp,
    bounty hunter 1- 2pp, electro optics- 3pp and bounty hunter2- 3pp.
    total= 23pilot points
  5. mongoose

    mongoose User

    Thank you so much for your input on this matter. That certainly looks like a complete list of required equipment for any battle. And as soon as I can utilize the extras on the ship, I will certainly endeavor to get what is left on your list. However, if you re-read original post the issue is not one of equipment or repairs, it is the loss of use of all the extras. Again I do appreciate the listing for an FE. Have not seen that yet even though I have looked for it in the forum pages. If you have any ideas on the original problem or if you need any information not given please let me know. As I would like to resolve this issue quickly. Its no fun being grounded.
  6. CURVY

    CURVY User

    if you could go to pilot sheet, click the big edit green button, on the privacy settings tick everything but your account to "everyone" then can you send me the link of your profile which can be found if you go back, and under click your profile which will provide the link. with this i can study your account more and see if there's any problems there. and if i read correctly, you already have all these items but now they don't work? if so then go to game page, open the menu from which all your available cpus are and see if activating them will help. also have you tried to manually repair your ship? to break the 1k you're having? or did it go from 256k to 1k with no one attacking? just a few questions there :)
  7. mongoose

    mongoose User

  8. mongoose

    mongoose User

    I am sorry the issue is with the Goliath in Hangar 1. Do I need to switch from 2 to 1 so you can view the Goliath or can you switch views?
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You need to switch it yourself, people can only view your active hanger.
  10. mongoose

    mongoose User

  11. mongoose

    mongoose User

    How do you take a screen shot? The overview on hangar one shows different values. The 1000 vs 256000. Also showing 13 speed generators and 2 shield with none in. And the extras when they were there still do not work. The config for Hangar 2 (Spearhead) appears to function correctly.
  12. mongoose

    mongoose User

    Curvy, with regard to you questions on hit points. I think your answer is in the original post from me. If not I apologize.
  13. mongoose

    mongoose User

  14. CURVY

    CURVY User

    i see your problem, you have no cpu's equiped, nothing, no rep bot, no rocket fire, on either config. if you go to the hanger, equipment and equip them, you should find your problem is resolved :)
  15. CURVY

    CURVY User

  16. mongoose

    mongoose User

    Curvy, I know your trying to help. So please do not get mad. Would you please re-read the original post. Of course I am not an idiot. I was not able to get to the pirate maps with nothing on board to help. The extras dropped out when I deleted and reloaded them 3 times. Some of those extras are on the Spearhead until this issue with the Goliath can be resolved. I truly appreciate what you are trying to do. So please try again. Thanks again. Mongoose By the way I like your ship.
  17. mongoose

    mongoose User

    By the way, the statistical page above your last posts shows what the current overview of the Goliath is with everything deleted.
  18. CURVY

    CURVY User

    so you're saying that when you jump to the pirate maps all your extras that you have equiped drop out of your ship?
  19. mongoose

    mongoose User

    No, I said the following:

    "Wow, not sure how to begin. Just got level 12. First impulse of course was to go to Pirate Maps to see what all the fuss is about. So there I was minding my own business. When someone just had to start a fight. That did not bother me as much as what happened next. In the middle of the battle my Pet lost all gears and protocols and went passive. My Goliath went to 1000 hit points and did not recognize any of the extras on it. Bear in mind that both the ship and the Pet visably showed all extras. It was just that in reality they did not exist. and yes I of course was immediately killed. Well just a glitch right. So the answer is reboot or restart right? Well did both twice and nothing. Next step logically is to delete config and reload, right? Wrong again. Ship empty still shows 1000 hit points versus 256,000. Will not recognize any extras except slot extender. And it is still showing 13 speed and 2 shield generators. Same on the Pet. Will not see any gears or protocols. There is no joy in Mudville. Does anyone care to take a shot on this? I am at my wits end so any help given is greatly appreciated. Thank You! Mongoose."

    It does not appear to be anything wrong except for Hangar 1 as Hangar 2 with a different type ship (Spearhead) is functioning correctly. Albeit a redheaded stepchild when compared to the Goliath. So I was in the middle of a fight on the Pirate map when I lost the extras on both the ship and the Pet. I have rebooted, restarted, cleared history, cache, and yelled at it but to no avail. With a deleted configuration the ship still shows 1000 vs 261000, and 15 generators on board. Extras load in both ship and Pet but will not function or just that the computer does not see them. I do not think I can swap Hangars without selling a ship first. That is the only other thing I can come up with.
  20. mongoose

    mongoose User

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