Hercules equipment issues

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by 立方体キュ, May 31, 2024.

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  1. Hello guys, 2 day ago i found a bug or error with drone equipment, especially SPARTAN. / WRONG THREAD HEAD FOR HERCULES!
    After so much time of clear cash, restart PC, the problem are not solved.

    I put a spartans on drones, and in game drones doesn't change.. only 2 spartans can be set, other ones is like they are gone. When i try to put them all, all seems good, but only in browser equipment. But when i restart a game they are again not equip..and this process every login...
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
  2. Are you equiping them to both configurations?
    Are you currently using the ship you are equiping them to?

    Please supply screenshots if you can, as that would help as well.
  3. Did you try saving config?