Hitac Assault and Astral Ascension Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Aug 13, 2024.

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  1. Held the prestige title for over an hour yesterday and 0 time was added to my time, please fix your game!!!
  2. Prestige title time not updating :(
  3. jazon161

    jazon161 User

    total anarchy on Hitac, only trains, why do admins tolerate this, honest players have no chance of achieving goals
  4. Hitac, what a great event...either a great time to run your bot and train detection programs or put them up for sale in the shop.
    your don't have to worry about the upsetting the honest players that don't use programs to play the game, throw out the T&C and forget about the pushing by killing bots. (oops was that my outside voice?)
  5. jazon161

    jazon161 User

    honest people are punished and robbed, and cheaters are protected, this is the approach and the admins don't even bother to give any answer, it means they are participating in it
  6. Prestige title time still not working - shows 8 minutes should be more like 2 hours

    went offline for a few hours and now it says 18 minutes.
    i noticed that even though you can see the yellow title on your ship that the prestige window doesn't always show your name/map. sometimes it shows unassigned even though your ship has it
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 26, 2024
    The Red Baron likes this.
  7. quick buy a lottery ticket :)
    i accrued another 10 minutes today :)
  8. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    retire this event
  9. Fix your prestige title event missing hours not minutes from event not updating!!!!!!
  10. why are there so many botss in server its causing shred loads of lag the x6 maps theres like 20 trains doing cubes bl maps loads training on the invokes game over the last 5 days been terrible so much for scripts pls get a ban hammer i aint seen this many in like months ands they ruining the event thanku
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  11. increase plus 1 slot laucher missil will ships.
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