Hitac prizes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by _-Amon_Amarth-_, Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. Won 1.000.000 uridium
    4 capsules
    bought the capsules for fun because i had a pay safe card with 4 euro on it so i though i never gona win something because so much spend so much money on those capsules.
  2. Wow lucky you :p Do you mean GB2 or GB1?
  3. 25 capsules just from shooting hitac and got 5bo2 16 lvl ge5

    09.12.2013 - 15:17[​IMG]Receive prize from Hitac Moon Lottery: SG3N-B02 shield (x5)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    He probably means Global Euro 5, it's sometimes referred to as GB5 instead of GE5 etc
  5. Yeh i suppose. Anyway knowing my luck i wouldn't of won anything anyway :p
  6. i didnt win anything, cuz i didnt get any capsules lol. But seeing the rewards think ill do it during next hitac :p
  7. Yeh i might try and put things on the lottery next time.
    ŴДƦЯÏØЯ™_12$ likes this.
  8. lol, do you know who won the 30 LF4's on GB2?
  9. I think it was Mkb1
  10. 09.12.2013 - 09:17[​IMG]Receive prize from Hitac Moon Lottery: LF-4 (x10)
    From around 20-24 pulls.
  11. Wow nice :) I think i may have seen you around on GB2 before as well.
  12. srry mean GE5
  13. Ohh ok nice must have been hard to win that on a server like that :p
  14. Yea i though so too because lot off ppl paying much money for the capsules.
    i just did it for the fun but yea im happy ^^
    But i wanted the 30 lf4 ore 30 bo2 much more but evrything is welcome to help me be better ^^
  15. I find it a little funny you guys are complaining about not winning anything, or the prizes you won being meager at best. You act like this was an event where you paid to win. And in a sense that's how it was. But if you bought 400 capsules, turned them all in, and won nothing, that doesn't mean anything except you have bad luck. It's possible for someone to enter one capsule and have another person enter 5,999 and still win. It's just luck. You're increasing your chance to win, but not guaranteeing yourself a win. I would be upset if I entered 200 capsules and won nothing, and I would probably call it bull, and that I should've won, etc. I won't deny that. I would say the same thing. But at the end of the day, your luck was just crap. Besides, I would pay 100$ for 5 fully upgraded LF-4's.
    Ðarkƒire~|Garnett| likes this.
  16. Well said, you should say it to Dream Demon lol
  17. I don't know what Dream has said, so I can't comment. But I can say that looking at the problem objectively, I can see no problem with the results. Unless, of course, someone botted for the capsules.
  18. MKB1 is the person who won 30x lvl 16 lf4 on GB2. He was so very happy to put it on fb and tag us all in it >.<
  19. {(N)eXus}

    {(N)eXus} User

    I bought a bunch of capsules and received nothing, "trust me its not worth it".
  20. Alky-jr

    Alky-jr User

    wd mbk1 i used 13 caps and got nothing dont mind losing just like losing the euro millions every week lol but i do wish that they posted the winners of each server would be nice to put a name to the prizes :)