how annoying

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ..light-bulb.., Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. oi
    i probably deserved the ban
    but the game is (Removed)

    i cant even log in atm

    3 days
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 26, 2014
  2. White_Pepper

    White_Pepper Guest


    Support are aware of the issue, however it is believed that it is a flash player/browser issue and not from the DO side, support are trying to find a fix for the issue.

    I have managed to log in into the server after refreshing the loading page quite a few times, I know it is frustrating for some players but please remain patient while a fix can be found.

  3. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    Once again it's blame EVERYONE ELSE time.

    Own up to the fact that DarkOrbit/BigPoint are falling behind technologically to everyone else. Let's face it, I can run every other browser/online game at top graphics and have no problems but a 2D browser game? Suddenly it's all my fault.

    If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck it's probably a duck.
    If it looks like DO sucks, sounds like dark orbit sucks, it's probably DarkOrbit and not everyone's systems.
    U.S.S.Westpoint likes this.
  4. White pepper i've seen you post that a good 10 times now?
  5. Let's bash the moderators and admins, shall we? Y'know, the ones that voluntarily spend their time trying to help out you guys. You should respect them for at least trying to help. The issues y'all are facing are beyond the control of them, so don't shoot them down because of it.

    You should be aware that DarkOrbit (more specifically, Flash) runs from your CPU and not your GPU. This is probably why the performance difference is so noticeable.

    So you're aware, DarkOrbit is 2.5D and not 2D.
  6. Hello ..light-bulb..

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Thank you †►ÐÂЯŦΉĢüДĻℓЙ◄†™ for your kind words and support, means a lot to me and the rest of the team.

    I believe the issue is fixed now and if you are experiencing any other game related issues, you can post it in Technical Issues or you can always Contact Support for same.

    Closing as OP was directed to support/appropriate section.
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