how can i get LF4 s? and how can i get extra drones?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by °»§¥§ŦŒM•Øf•GêAR§«°, Aug 20, 2014.

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  1. im tryong to get laser LF4 and extra drones, how can i get them?
  2. First you must Play the game, you can Earn em.. :mad: by Buying Booty Keys and using These to open :mad: the Green Booty Boxes.. best on Lf-4 special Days,

    Complete Building Certain Galaxy Gates.. and Completing the Missions within, ( But you need to have Build up your ship Strong enough and Have the Skill) to survive..

    All things being Equal.. It is Still an Item that must be EARNED..:mad: such a Bad word.. with the Youth of Today.. :confused:

    Winning a Lf-4 opening a booty box or Finishing all Waves within the Galaxy Gates..

    Increases your (Chances) of "Finding" Lf-4s..

    NOT a Guarantee .:mad:

    and While searching for Lf4s, opening the Booty boxes you might :mad: find a " BluePrint Part " that Reduces the " Cost " of the Apis or Zues Drones.. Cost = Pay in Uri.. Cash n Carry sometimes is LightYears Faster.. :rolleyes:

    Google it. some Guys have Paid $2,000 (USD ) for Drones.:eek: . since they Wished for Instantaneous Results, BigPoint Didn't send them a Thank you Card..:mad: for their Purchases..o_O
  3. Hello °»§¥§ŦŒM•Øf•GêAR§«°

    Thank you BĐяJuiceя~ for assisting with this thread.

    Lf4 can be obtained from various sources as mentioned below.

    Booty Boxes(Green, Golden, Red, Blue) gives you chance at LF4 but it all depends on luck.

    Gates(Hades, Kappas, Epsilon) gives you a random chance of getting LF4.

    Events like (Hitac) gives you chance to get a upgraded Lf4 (5,10,30), if you win lottery and Domination.

    Extra drones can be obtained by either collecting blue prints for Apis and Zeus drones.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
  4. First you need to win the lottery, then you need to fall in shit and come out smelling of roses, then you still wont get one x
    _-DarkOverLord-_ likes this.
  5. ok, you can close it now :). maybe ill get them one day, maybe lol
  6. Enjoy the game & Good luck.

    Closing as requested.
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