How do I reduce the lag in my game? (HELP THREAD)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DatDino, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. DatDino

    DatDino User

    So recently I have seen a lot of people asking how to reduce their lag and increase their fps.
    Some solutions I found very good are as follows:
    - Resolution, this plays a BIG role in lag and fps. Just remember the lower the better.
    - Quality, once you are in game, right click your ship. Click on 'quality' and set it to low.
    -Browser, some browsers are very good to help reduce lag, I prefer to play on Opera or Firefox since they can handle darkorbit very nicely.
    -In game settings:
    • If you don't collect resources, turn 'show resources' off
    •Put your slider on low and its your choice to put ships on high or low
    • TURN OFF 'show drones'
    • Don't make your screen crowded with open windows (e.g. User, Ship, PET, etc).
    - Having UTorrent open or downloading a torrent will cause MAJOR lag, turn it off or pause the download.
    - Try not to use 3rd party programs.
    - Try not to use programs which involves you using your microphone (e.g. Teamspeak, Ventrillo, GSC, etc)
    - Closing certain programmes running on ur pc will help as well, skype can cause a lot of lag but if you have the bandwidth then it can be fine but it does use a lot a resources on your pc ..
    - Media player, the visual effect in back ground can cause some problems.
    - Resetting your browser now and again will help, also running ccleaner to clear adobe temp files will help as well and all other temp files will help loads [​IMG]
    Defragging - defragging your computer will help a lot if you have downloaded a lot of stuffs over the years or delete a lot, helps the computer finds the files easier if organized and not all over the hard drive. this will not only help the FPS increase and lag decrease, but overall improve your computer performances.
    -Log out of the game... go to your browser and clear the history.
    Then go to the flash player - here is a link>
    Delete all the websites in the "Website Storage setting Panel".
    Then re-log in to the Game, Hopefully this reduce the lag and improve fps.
    - Set Priority - First of all, turn down your graphics settings. Not that its full, but one from it. Once you have done that there is a way of decreasing lag. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and your back screen will pop up. Click "Start Task Manager". It will then come up with a program. Click applications and find the page you are using on Dark Orbit. Right click it and then click "Go to Process". It will then take you to the process and then, right click the section it highlights for you then click "Set Priority" and set it to "High".

    These are some of my tips that have helped me a lot to reduce lag. I used to get 12 fps and now I get over 70 easily. Feel free to reply with some of your tips and I will happily add them into the post [​IMG]

    Assistance on this thread: shadowinvain and [Mephistopheles] and
    PoseidonsFury and pwnzorlord