How has this been so for so long (Galaxy Gates)

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Explosivo55, Jun 29, 2024.

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  1. So i've just started on doing galaxy gates and i really love when your x6 multiplier hits a gate part you ain't got but for some reason and this is what this say is about and that's when your multiplier hits a gate part you already have and you're offered a measly portion of x3 ammo, around 100.

    For crying out loud its not even a multiplied amount, good grief, clearly this has been so from the start and probably as its been so long not going to change but for the love of fairness, getting robbed like this of an x6 multiplier is criminal, ok maybe getting a repair credit when you have a subscription is worse and i'd like it to have been made an option you can select that free credit repairs are re-rolled when you get them or just taken out of the generator altogether, yeah yeah maybe one day i won't have a subscription and i'll be glad i have all those free repairs but i'd like to think the day i don't have subscription is the day i'm no longer playing and all those free repairs are made redundant
  2. You might be interested in this on using your spins effectively. Going past x2 multipler is a huge waste in terms of statistics: Dark Orbit - finally a "real world" application for math

    And the value you get out of the gate is meant to be 100 Uri., the cost of a gate spin. When you spin, the amount of resources you get out of it is always equal to 100 Uri., or even more. Certain items such as x4 ammo + Xenomit, you can't quite put a Uri. value on.
    Explosivo55 likes this.
  3. ok i'll give it a go and see if it builds one cheaper than roughly the 2K it's taking me to build a zeta
  4. so i gave it a go and i didn't have a big sample size to begin with but

    the 1 st gate i built took 1.5k (free energy) to build though i'm not convinced it was using the multiplier but rather luck was on my side as my previous gate builds when i had used 1k, i had gotten roughly 77 gate parts but i reached 77 gate parts on this build having used only 600 energy, i also prob hit the gate part around 10 times, whereas when using the x6 multiplier i hit at least twice so i get more gate parts waiting on luck with the x6multiplier

    the 2nd gate took 2.1k prob my most expensive gate build yet and i only hit the gate multiplier around 8 times.

    conclusion, although i hit parts more often i don't get as many as leaving it down to the x6 luck roll and i'm only on very small sample size, so i'll continue playing with it building gates x6 multiplier one weekend and x2 the other