How long does newsletter take?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ottavosa, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. Ottavosa

    Ottavosa User

    So I just found out that the newsletter exists and that it's required for the birthday gate, so I signed up for it. How long does it take for it to show up in my inbox after signing up? I think it's been at least 10 minutes already. Also, does anyone have the sender and subject (to make sure it's not being filtered)?

    ASTRAEA User

    Unfortunately If you did not have the newsletter previously to the event it is unlikely that you will recieve the code required for the birthday gate.

    I am sorry, I hope that this helps.
  3. -]-max-[-

    -]-max-[- User


    Im also having the same problem. I didn't get any mail from DarkOrbit for the birthday gate. Can u help me with that.

    Id: 101104183
    Server: Global America
  4. Max, if you aren't subscribe to the news letter then you don't get the promo code, and btw, there is no b-day gate, its a garbage hades gate no one cares about.
  5. -]-max-[-

    -]-max-[- User

    But im subscribe to newsletter. Still i've not received it.
    And the clan is planning to do the gate in weekend.
    So i want to do that gate too.

    ASTRAEA User

    If you are sure that you are registered for the emailed newsletter and have still not recieved it. I would recommend that you contact support for further assistance.

    Sorry I could not assist you further here in forums.
    Please have a nice day!