How much DO you spend on DO and why?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Pacman2-, Jan 27, 2014.

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  1. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I am interest to get a wide range of responses, to get a feel for what drive You to spend on DO and what you spend on, or if you are a free player, have always been a free player or high spender and any change in your spending habits and why.

    Here is my input:-

    After having a free ship, for I guess about 6 months or so from some time late 07 and just playing a bit. I lost my pw and as I wasn't very far in the game,so I started this account.

    I bought I think 6mths prem, because I didn't know if I'd stick it out for a year as there was a few issues with the game.
    I do not remember what drove me to it but I spend £7.50 on uri fairly early on ( big spender

    My biggest single spend for an item was the Orange Goli for the sell drone.
    There was 2 reasons for this:-
    The main one was because I was a npc muncher back then and flying from 2-7 to 2-8 every 30 mins or so to sell cargo was a waste of npc killing time, especial when I had trade boosters running.

    The second reason was there was a gltich/bug ( or in my cynical perception intended) which if caused you to lose/ only pick up part of the cargo when your cargo bay became full.
    I saw this as a marketing ploy for the Orange Goli,
    but as I was 1 st alien killer I would get the most from it and it easily paid for it's self in a few months. As I would get all 8 boosters 3 hrs in a row about 1 or 2 times a month. So 240K -480k uri per month of boosters.

    I then bought either 6 or 12 months prem up to 2010,when;
    BIO, the change in port jumping ( from 10k shield and 3k hp guaranteed safe jump, to popping on occasion jumping with 100k+ shield and 200k+hp.)
    and 3 npc bots took the top 3 alien kill places. ( noting all 3 of them were banned for botting 6 months later.)

    Since 2010 I have been waiting and hoping that DO will see that they are driving players away rather than the cult following the game had when it had a community driven spirit.
  2. I don't spend any money :D (anymore..)
    I have 38 LF-4, 10 drones level 16, 8 havoc, 3 herc and 33 ps :p
    I spent money until I had maybe 13 LF-4 or so.. Since then I've been a free player! (except for the occasional premium purchase ;))
    And no, I haven't been using a bot...
  3. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    How much did you spend and more importantly why did you stop spending?:)
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
  4. LordOfFire

    LordOfFire User

    I spend when i can to be honest.

    i have 16 Lf4 at level 8 9 drones at mixed levels 8 hercs and 1 havoc.

    When payday comes along i usually put £70 on the next MHH. This is primarily for collecting as many LF4's as i can and upgrading them too level 8. ( half way to max level if you was going to question) i do buy 100 Booties and 100 EMP's + 10000 RSB so that takes a chunk out of the mill uri. I then proceed to building Kappa's since i believe they are the best value for the cost. As i have done 21 with 8 Hercs 8 LF4 and a few boosters. I may build one or two Zeta's but my luck with them is 10% as ive done 10 with only 1 havoc. i usually can get around 6 Kappas and 2 zetas, then my uri runs out. Does this answer youre question pacman ???? :p

    ..:ŁΘЯÐ~Θƒ~ЌUĹT:.. level 19 GB1
  5. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Hi ..:ŁΘЯÐ~Θƒ~ЌUĹT:.. , All things being equal I would say Kappa, for the chance items, is the better option compared to zeta, although zeta has other benefits, easier to do and better other rewards.
    At least with kappa if you ever do get a Hercules it works for each one.
    :) and you get a chance of an LF4 or mulit booster.

    How long have you been playing DO?
  6. burkey

    burkey User

    When FE was the end of the road for power (like 4 years ago), i used to spend £70 a week on boosters and RSB and gates as I got to FE for free with a clan. Then when all the bio and LF4 and drones 9 and 10 and drone designs started coming out and it went from hard work to getting FE to a few grand to become UFE, I stopped spending. I might put £7.50 on every few weeks now for 100k uri to help on upgrades.....
  7. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Hi burkey, the nice thing about the game when FE was the best equipped ship. If you spend £70 per week, you could do a few gates and have full battle advantage which was enough to win a 1v1 against most players. :)

    I've never bought battle pro booster even back then, cas I liked winning a battle as an underdog.
    burkey likes this.
  8. i dont spend no more cash on DO after they took fair players rank points away but left botters with most of their items,lf4s,& Bio they got thru cheating/botting for 6 years.(

    we have been waitin 6 years for BP to get rid of botters then we fair players get screwed.( i call it unfair! i/we played for those sterner/lordias kills it really affected us players.

    idk if you guys see the same pattern but it seems the fair players get screwed.

    wait i lied i just buy $6.50 premuim lol cnt survive or move forward without it.
    playing without premuim is hard enough.

    i went from spending $75-$120 every other mega to $6.50 just for premuim.

    if i need to build gates i just pally.
    If i need uri i just solo cubes.

    I started to play other cheaper games like LOL,arcane ledgends etc

    DO is not like how it use to be .if you want higher rank & a good supply of ammo yes spending $75 + a mega is needed

    all ships
  9. I only spend whenever I can/ have money to ( I am only 15 after all) , and when I do, it's usually somewhere between £40-£100. I spend to try and get my ship to UFE, and to rank up ofcourse! ;). I used to spend my Uridium building zetas but now since am full havoc'ed am going for kappas. Oh also a some bit of my Uridium goes to EMPs, Boosters, RSB's etc...basically for raids.

    Edit: I buy rebate and premium too.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
  10. In Total This is what I have Bought on Darkorbit
    Premium 6 month: 35.99
    Box Doubler: 17.99
    Rebate: 17.99
    Rebate: 17.99
    990,000 Uridium: 99.99
    Ultimate GameCards: 60.00
    Total: 249.95
    Why i spent it: I have played Darkorbit for 6 Years, I quit After Lf4's Came out for Roughly 2 or 3 Years, Then Came back in August 2013, Have been Hooked Ever Since, Every Update they have Done has been great (Except for Music)
    burkey likes this.
  11. pecanin

    pecanin User

    now 0 or so since march 2013

    before :

    Box doubler +Rebate from sept 2009 till march 2013 on 2 accounts ,also on 4 other accounts but there were gaps.

    £.35.00 PW addiction x 2 from sept 2009 - march 2013

    Orange(trade drone) Goli on 3 accounts

    One of first Goli design packs,not sure which one

    Game got boring so i not spend anymore

    When staying alive depends on nothing but choice of being cheat or not i chose not to fight

    Most of those that i need to catch up with in terms of equipment are ones that got theirs by being cheating scum ...BP allowed them to get away with it so i don't fund companies that approve of thievery/cheating and rest that was against their own T&C.
    TheBajanSoldier likes this.
  12. I spend a lot, around $150 a week
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
    APOLLO[SKE★] and burkey like this.
  13. I don't buy uri anymore, games too much of a rip off. I buy prem here and there, spent about $500 on the game.
    TheBajanSoldier likes this.
  14. burkey

    burkey User

    Yep, those were the days when a group of FE's could cause havocs in maps. Now a group of FE's get killed to bits off one UFE....

    I've only ever spent on one account on one server (Burkey on GB1), got noob accounts on GB1 and others but never spent on them
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 28, 2014
  15. I started playing DO on June 8, 2008. Very shortly after I began there was once a month that BigPoint gave everyone a month of free premium as compensation for server issues. I was hooked on boosters I kept my ship premium ever after upto and including the present time. I used to purchase 6 month or 1 year premium packages but for some time now I only purchase a single month of premium at a time. I have also spent cash regularly on bonus box doublers also since my 2nd or 3rd month. So that is premium and doubler continuously from approximately August 2011 to January 1914.

    I have also bought uri whenever I had a little money to spend and was lucky enough to be online for a Mega. (megas used to be actualy random back In The Day) On average spent/spend I spend either $29.99 or these days more typically $59.99. I use the uri to buy shared and regular booster, upgrades and the occasional bits of ammo (rsbs, emps, and rockets and hellstorms)(I almost forgot, I spend also in order to keep my pet fueled up.

    Pacman asked for answers to his question as to "Why" I spend money on DO. Hmmm.... I suppose to give myself a better chance of surviving on the maps. Even with double boosters I still cannot usually actually get shipkills but when I have 600 plus shileds I can usually manage to stay alive long enough to escape. And of course to hopefully halp facilitate my eventually reaching UFE.
  16. used to spend 35£ a month but decided a couple of years ago to put that money towards getting my golf handicap down [with some success] the reason i did this , was because of the cost of the game. i am f.e. but that is no longer enough you needed allsorts of other stuff, and i was not prepared to pay for those things or even worse take a chance on getting them. d.o have lost out on at least 1000£ if not more, if they are lucky they will get 7.50 now and again, such a pity because i really like this game
    TheBajanSoldier and burkey like this.
  17. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Lets say....
    1x Blue Goliath + Premium 1 Month. 30.00 Euros
    3x 90.000 Uridium On Mega Happpy Hour = 30.00 Euros
    1x 60.000 uridium on Happy Hour = 10.00 Euros
    1x 235.000 Uridium on Mega Happy Hour = 25.00 Euros
    Total = 95.00 Euros Spent
    I know that this is far from a lot but I am really happy with the stats I have :)
    Stats: Ship: Aegis
    Hangar Halls: 1
    LF-4 : 1 Level 3 ( Im a noob :p)
    Drones: 8 Iris Level 1
    LF-3: 29(Two Of them Level 2)
    Drone Designs: 1 Havoc
    Level: 17
    P.E.T.: Yes , Level 11
    P.E.T. Gear: Kamikazi 3 , Auto looter 1 , Recource Collector 1
    P.E.T. Protocols: Radar level 1
    P.E.T. Hp Upgrade: Level 2
    Bo2: 31
    Designs: All Goli/Veng Trade + Blue Goliath Design
    Formations: Credit ones
    Pilot Bio: 17 P.P.
    I am Planning to Pay 12.50 For 75.000 Uridium on MHH = 225.000 Uridium
    Going to buy Moth/Diamond Formations .Then Going to do my Epsilon Gate.
    Seems that with the money I spent, My stats are perfect :p


    burkey likes this.
  18. Lol they are actually pretty good, funny thing is i spent countless hours trying to find out how best to spend my uridium, so i made a plan and well the rest is history ^^ I only have 2 LF-4's I'm also a noob :p
  19. LordOfFire

    LordOfFire User

    I have 16 LF4 and i still get popped by players with leveled drones and LF3s and no LF4's... mainly because i hunt on assassins :)
  20. Oracle

    Oracle User

    me too:p I dont pay like 99.00 Euros per week.hell I havent even payed that much.I have 1053 gameplay hours :p

