how much takes until support respond?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by •ALL_STARS•, Jan 28, 2014.

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  1. Hello

    I have sent a request from last night, still I dont have any answer on support..
    Should I give you here the ticket number?

    Cold_Steel I saw your introduce, I hope you answer to me, I really need a fair person on this one.


  2. When messaging support, they do try to answer queries as soon as they can. All correspondences are held in a queue system and are looked at in order.

    Whilst they do try to answer everyone as quickly as they can, some queries are more complicated and require the attention of other departments/people. These can take longer but they do aim to provide a reply within 2-3 days.

    I hope the matter is resolved for you quickly.

    **closing thread as this is regarding a support issue**
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