How much uri has been your highest?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DatDino, Jan 10, 2014.

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  1. Lol @=SERAPH=.

    The most I've ever had was a tad over 450K. About a week and a bit ago, actually. If I can get myself a PaySafeCard tomorrow, and have my 330K offer, the most I'll have ever had will be just over 1,039,500. :D
  2. DatDino

    DatDino User

    Hah u guys caught me :p,

    Trolololololol anyway to be real my highest was 2.4 mil
  3. 1,5mil and that was wasted in like 5hours
  4. Oracle

    Oracle User

    LOOL.... Sepiroth nice 1 lol :p


  5. Øмєga

    Øмєga User

    most I ever had was in 2012 when which was 7.566.981