How to Fill Up Galaxy Gates Best!

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by APOLLO[SKE★], Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. APOLLO[SKE★] I know that, and that is exactly why I say not possible. there is pattern in gg if you look better but it is not easy to get 2 parts on every multi you get. with gates that have 100 parts or more you need to spend 1000 extra energy minimum. maybe some times if you are lucky you get more parts but not that much more like you say in post up. there is 13% chance to get gate parts so in reality it means 13 parts for 100 energy.pure mathematics.
  2. nice mate, I hate when i am wrong, and i am right here :D Okapi -1 for you :p
  3. I know the pattern to i just don't feal like explaining it, but you do have higher chances in getting gate parts with this method
  4. I just do it 100 spins but i might change to 1 spin at a time and see if there is a difference :p
  5. Hey its up to the user
  6. I want to test it :p If it works i will do it :p But it does get really boring :D
  7. Thats why i put on music while doing it, you know wrecking ball is just my jam
  8. -_- wrecking ball is soo bad :L
    Blah likes this.
  9. Although guys we are all forgetting. Some people *cough cough like me cough cough* Spend alot of time in palla when collecting for gates. So I end up not using spins until about 3k-5k spins. So urm... You ever tried clicking a mouse for 3-5k times? It hurts!!
  10. Guys what i have noticed is spinning gg with uri are more effective for getting gg parts then palladium free gg energy.
  11. Might be more effective Ultimate because you are spending but people need the uri :p Id rather take more time and a less effective method for free than spend my uri because at the end of the day some do gates for the uri :p why spend to earn?
  12. +1
  13. Lawl, I think this method works swell. I spent a few hours ( no PET D: )in the pally fields, made of with 3 goli ship fulls (of 3,000), so 600 Energy. I got my A completed, B gate 1/2 way done, Gamma w/ 38 parts & 36 into Kappa, with the whole "100" spin thing.
    Then got another ship full, and did the 1 spin 200 times (TOOK OVER 30 MINS-SLOW INTERNET XD) and got my Kappa 3 parts away from completion xD :3
    Long way to go to get my hands on a Herc xD
  14. I spin 100 at a time until I only need about 20 parts left and I can usually build them cheap.

    There is no pattern for gates as every account is different, I had one account were alphas took no less then 250k uri to build, betas 400k uri etc...

    I had anothers account were average alpha costed 150k uri and betas were 250k uri...

    Its all on each account.
  15. Unstoppable, you are gravely mistaken here my friend, the percentage is not different between accounts, it's the same for all accounts, it's just a matter of knowing how to spin on the gates.
    ÐäЯKWáЯLóçK-§94[FØЄ], who said i don't need the uri as well? but in 1h i make more uri and thus more gg spins than i make collecting palladium (with the pet collector).

    what i usually do is spin 10's at a time, when i first open the galaxy gate page, i spin 5 times 10's... if i notice that i don't get much parts or no parts at all, i reload the page and spin another 5 times, i keep doing so till i get a lot of parts and i stick with it and use what i have left of the saved uri... and i usually end up having an 1 alfa and 1 beta daily...

    Hope this will be of any use to you guys. :D
    veritas likes this.
  16. Sure, you believe that. I'll let you think what you think, there my ships and I know there stats and how they build gates...lmao. not you.
  17. An algorithm like the one for the galaxy gate spins doesn't change between ID's and i know that because i am studying programming and i know how algorithms work, and having spent so much time in the game and made it to the top i think i know the game well enough to tell if that was the case (which is programming wise, not).
    Thanks for you concern though.
    Blah likes this.
  18. You cant flip a coin and expect to get 50 heads 50 tails every 100 spins so odds like 13% randomized at 10 parts per 100 is good going rly... everyone runs their own economy and notice their type of patterns, people start spinning free energy to complete a gate and expect to get the last few individualised gate numbers so easily as getting any gate number originally with uridium, its easy to blame the game for incalculation but you cant judge the stats based on cost due to the difference in rebate.
  19. Lol you and i understand its by how you know how to spin the gate not math lol, nerdsss
  20. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I am fairly confident that you do still get nano hull when you ships nano hull is full.

    Even if it has changed recently (which I do not think it has) the nano hull is only 4% so in real terms it would make very little difference to the chance of getting a gate part as 4% of 13% = 0.52%

    It is always interesting when stats are posted without all the data.

    How many gates of each have you done?

    How many of those have you carefully logged the exact number of spins?

    What are the results for all the gates you have recorded?

    Or are the results give more anecdotal, rather than a carefully recorded set of data.